I used to be a vet tech after many years in people medicine. I feel like my vet is always put off by my experience rather than being willing to have a collaborative relationship.

I need a new vet I’m afraid.

Some vets let the knowledge go to their heads, no open mind, which can limit their own knowledge and growth. The learning never stops with animal medicine. My guy relates to me almost like a friend. He lets me come back into the workings of the lab when the dog needs procedures, Ive been able to be there during Xrays, the beginnings of anesthesia when the dog needed teeth pulled, and yes, I can go in with a chicken related issue and just by my descriptions they will despense meds. Presently I've got an 8 yr old hen with a doughy crop and he gave me Fluconazole, didn't have to bring her in. I am sure I can if I wanted to, have blood work, etc done. He and his Tech know how it is with chickens and not everyone wants to bring them to vets. My guy is fabulous!! You DO need a new vet!! :)
In my city there is a vet hospital with no vets n abandoned building. Thankfully we have drug store for animals ... Mostly for cow n dogs, but for birds very limited medicine.

Many medicines that are used on dogs and livestock can be applied in cases of chicken illness. Its all the same stuff. So at least you have some outlet! :)
In my city there is a vet hospital with no vets n abandoned building. Thankfully we have drug store for animals ... Mostly for cow n dogs, but for birds very limited medicine.

I can understand , in Delhi there's so many poultry farms (commercial) and egg farms where there so so so many birds live together:barnieso diseases are more on priority that's why here I found almost all poultry med labelled for chickens

Some drugs come in very large package for 2-3K birds mostly Corid & baytril

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