Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Im not even really sure what a salker is
...... Tell me please lol

A stalker is someone who just loves you too much (So they always know where you are) ~ Who helps you when you are in need (meaning they will always know when you are in need) ~ and only means you the best in life (but has to be only with them) ~ Knows all your favorite things (Because they care so much & pay close attention)
DG, you sound like me. I love the Lavender and blue colored poultry.

Marty, bantam ducks would be BEI, Silky Ducks, Call Ducks for domestics. Mandarin, wood ducks, pintails, ect for ornamental wild ducks.

Still, I hope you are reading and will come back. It isn't your fault, you did what you felt needed done in the moment. Come back so we can get you all sorted out for hatching.
DG, you sound like me. I love the Lavender and blue colored poultry.
Marty, bantam ducks would be BEI, Silky Ducks, Call Ducks for domestics. Mandarin, wood ducks, pintails, ect for ornamental wild ducks.
Still, I hope you are reading and will come back. It isn't your fault, you did what you felt needed done in the moment. Come back so we can get you all sorted out for hatching.

I love blues and lavs :drool

Who isnt coming back :confused:
I would appreciate if we don't joke about stalking. It is a very serious federal offense and because of one off her rocker stalker my childrens safety has been put at risk thanks to her posting their information. Stalking is very serious and has been deadly in some cases. Namely the stalker has caused harm and or death to the person they were stalking.

Now back to hatching and all good things feathered.
A stalker is someone who just loves you too much (So they always know where you are) ~ Who helps you when you are in need (meaning they will always know when you are in need) ~ and only means you the best in life (but has to be only with them) ~ Knows all your favorite things (Because they care so much & pay close attention) :lau

Creepy..... Kinda.... I dont know :lol:
Really now I am being told what I can and cannot post about ...... I luv this forum because it is funny & lighthearted

& YES I have a stalker not a funny ordeal .... Yes quite creepy..... REALLY do not need to go into detail but I move on & deal wiith it & do not let it lead my life
If I need to "watch what I say or joke about then thats just stupid". I am watching comedians on HBO right now making fun of stuff that shouldn't be funny ~ BUT funny as all hell!

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