Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

CG, if it is priority mail... then it should go by air like our eggs. Our eggs get dropped off at shipper local post office, then they go by truck to that main city's sorting office... then it gets on the next available plane to fly directly to the receiver's town sorting facility.... and then finally goes by truck to your local post office.
CG, if it is priority mail... then it should go by air like our eggs. Our eggs get dropped off at shipper local post office, then they go by truck to that main city's sorting office... then it gets on the next available plane to fly directly to the receiver's town sorting facility.... and then finally goes by truck to your local post office.
ohh we
well thats kool
All live birds (animals for that matter) get moved across the country via plane. We can ship anywhere east of the Mississippi river and have them arrive the next day (99% of the time). West of the Mississippi river from us is usually 2 days. So we send on Monday and Wednesday the new owner gets them.

Iain I just use a white crayon or white candle. Plain paraffin will work, most baking isles have that I would guess.
All live birds (animals for that matter) get moved across the country via plane. We can ship anywhere east of the Mississippi river and have them arrive the next day (99% of the time). West of the Mississippi river from us is usually 2 days. So we send on Monday and Wednesday the new owner gets them.
Iain I just use a white crayon or white candle. Plain paraffin will work, most baking isles have that I would guess.
hmmm . very interesting for some reason i didnt think it would be a plane.

i cant wait to go get them .
the post office didnt answer their phone so idk if the mail truck is there yet or not
So... I moved the new ancona eggs over from goose to duck bator and set my toulouse eggs. My duck bator is now FULL with 37 eggs until I do my day 7 (Saturday) tossing of non-developing eggs.

I will purchase wax at some point this morning and do what I can for this egg, as it is growing very nicely.

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