Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today


that Uno pic was an accident. When I took quail pics, i caught my daughters poster in the background. I just thought it would be a cool pic with Uno, soo..... What makes it worse is this:

Now, having a heard of volkswagens, including Granny (the van) doesn't make one a hippie. Having black light art doesn't make one a hippy.

Of course it doesn't mean one isn't a hippie.... LOL

Hey QJ - do hippies have pee pees???

that Uno pic was an accident. When I took quail pics, i caught my daughters poster in the background. I just thought it would be a cool pic with Uno, soo..... What makes it worse is this:

Now, having a heard of volkswagens, including Granny (the van) doesn't make one a hippie. Having black light art doesn't make one a hippy.

Of course it doesn't mean one isn't a hippie.... LOL

Hey QJ - do hippies have pee pees???

Worse? I'm in love. I am a VW girl behind closed doors.

My 66 that I miss oh so dearly. This is what it looks like now (middle). I know the guy I sold it to. When I had it, it resembled the stock bug on the right.

Worse? I'm in love. I am a VW girl behind closed doors.

My 66 that I miss oh so dearly. This is what it looks like now (middle). I know the guy I sold it to. When I had it, it resembled the stock bug on the right.

Oh not, he californiad it! How heartbreaking for you to see your baby all twisted out of shape.
My daily driver, dragonfly, is a 63 like the one on the right, except in the 60s or 70s somebody painted it (its blue) with dragonflies, lily pads, frongs, and cattails. Its a true hippe vw.

I won a most authentic hippie bug trophy for her once. LOL. I work in a catholic school!!!
Hee hee. I am baptized Catholic. Yeah, the first thing to go was my pee shooters. Music to my ears really. I love 'em stock.

*LOL there is PEE again! I think its actually PEA shooters anyway.
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I can wait till tomorrow
i was just wondering if i could get i larger print idiots guide

here the rock pics:

Now, don't you think the lilacs would go great with the pink quartz pieces, and red granite pieces??

so pretty!

CG, that coop looks great. You gave me an idea - making a portable coop for babies to catch a bit of sun/outdoors time in.
Bakin', that was the most impressive piece of multi-quoting I have ever seen (on the previous page. Basically it IS the previous page).
Thank-you i finally got the hang of doing the multi-quote thing
now i get to comment on things and not forget, also i always lose my place when i comment one at a time!

sitting back drinking some Gold Marquitas, No hatching for a week. Rest and relaxing. Robyn, my Buff duck, has been sitting on 5 eggs all day. She got off once to go for a swim, drink and eat and back to the eggs she went. I am going to try to candle them on Sunday to see if Jonny did his business before he left. I am so happy that drake is gone..

yummo! good news about the drake

Thats great SM. When DH realized how many eggs I was incubating (about 70, a new personal best) he kinda freaked on me.
Then, I told him how you sell your extras (as others do) and the light kinda went on. He's been out in the garage workshop every since. Now I'm scared.

he he hubby still rolls his eyes
i am doing 71 wow i just suprised myself! woops now hubby knows! "and stop calling me hubby"

Baking, x2. It was impressive.

he he thanks!

Totally. And the lilacs will look even more unusual next to the white I'm intending to hatch out. Even one will do it. Green greass, colored rock wall, one or two whties and then a LILAC SEBASTOPOL!!

I'm so excited my belly button may go into convulsions!


(she said Pee Pee.)


I just planted 20 Strawberry plants and about 200 feet of potatoes.. I took pics. Because it's so interesting to you all I'm sure. LOL. I'm just excited.

Oh, we also planted another blackberry and a raspberry. Someday I'll be up to my ears in berries.

yay!!!! I love spring!!!

Julie: I love that big duckling in the front. She's gonna be purty.

CG: Love the outdoor brooder. Hopefully someone (ehem.. hubby) will make me a little something tmw for my chicks to go outside.

ehem ya HUBBY!

Here's one of my little strawberry plants. It's so precious.

And the potato row.

I love spring. I might be a little too excited about getting in the garden today. Just know I realize this.


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