Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

CG, they are so teeny and precious!! Congrats again!!! I hope you got some sleep last night. You have a 3rd baby hatching too??

I guess my turn for hatching is getting close... today is day 24 for my 8 "take a chance" ancona and 2 pidgey eggs. I expect the first eggs will internally pip at some point today. I started moving the other duck eggs over to the goose bator last night... and I swear I saw the SA egg and a couple of ancona eggs moving on day 19! It will be a tight fit... and I am having to place the duck eggs on a raised rubber mat to be same level as the goose eggs, but I think I will be able to make it work for a few days while this first set hatches.
CG, they are so teeny and precious!! Congrats again!!! I hope you got some sleep last night. You have a 3rd baby hatching too??

I guess my turn for hatching is getting close... today is day 24 for my 8 "take a chance" ancona and 2 pidgey eggs. I expect the first eggs will internally pip at some point today. I started moving the other duck eggs over to the goose bator last night... and I swear I saw the SA egg and a couple of ancona eggs moving on day 19! It will be a tight fit... and I am having to place the duck eggs on a raised rubber mat to be same level as the goose eggs, but I think I will be able to make it work for a few days while this first set hatches.
yes they are tenny.
the dog is obsessed with them! he keeps coming to tell me sumthin is peeping in the bator..
i got some sleep lastnight, not enuff. i got up at 3 am to check on them. but i feel like i barely slept atall and i even went to bed earl lol.

and yes it looks like there si a 3rd baby trying to internally pip. when i get home im going to help. i think its the one that seems to be turned upside down. maybe he turned back around. idk.. wont know till i open the shell lol.

and yay you wil be hatching soon 2!!
this hatch was exhausting for me.
but it was all worth it.
even tho 2 out of 15 is a horrible hatch rate.
my fertility ws good tho. hope the chickens have better luck than me!
CG, congrats again. Snce they are from a mixed lot of parents your coloring could be all sorts of things. Right now they look very grey, but multiple colors can appear that way. Until feathering starts there is no way to really know. Plus when wet they can look very different.

You did a great job with them.
CG, congrats again. Snce they are from a mixed lot of parents your coloring could be all sorts of things. Right now they look very grey, but multiple colors can appear that way. Until feathering starts there is no way to really know. Plus when wet they can look very different.
You did a great job with them.

and i couldnt have done it without you. and everyone else.
i also have 1 more baby working on internally pip. i will help him when i get home and get the other 2 rugrats out
CG, what goes around, comes around. I would have been lost without this forum and I don't think Caboose, Twist or Tink would have made it either. So we (ducks and myself) all thank this place and the wonderful people who help us out!

Update on morning candling/turning. A few of my anconas have shadowing in back of air cells. My pidgey cayuga eggs are still alive but appear to be a couple of days behind. I think I may try to squeeze them into goose bator to give them another 1-2 days of drier humidity conditions before putting them into hatcher.

And for my new goose eggs: My 2nd Erin toulouse egg is still really trying to develop.... but I tossed the completely scrambled egg this morning. I kept the 3rd egg in bator, but I expect I will toss it in a few days too. AND... drum roll.... it's only been 72 hours for my dewlaps, but I THINK (just maybe) I see fertility in all 4 of them.
Glad you guys finally realized you all couldn't live without me

YAY for CAYUGAS !!! (still my fave so far to hatch) Even though I have had the worst luck acquiring them!

Country ~ AWE baby pics 1st thing in the morning! Cutey PahTooteys
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LOL, Jaz! The cayugas have not hatched... yet. They both have a lot of fluid to them. One is so bad it is still propped upright. I am really unsure they will hatch out ok. Will you be around to help me assist with the hatching??

However, seeing 6 perfect cayuga eggs on day 6 gives me a lot of hope that eventually we will hatch mates for our trio.
Glad you guys finally realized you all couldn't live without me

YAY for CAYUGAS !!! (still my fave so far to hatch) Even though I have had the worst luck acquiring them!

Country ~ AWE baby pics 1st thing in the morning! Cutey PahTooteys
well you told me i need pics up first thing.
so i did.
i imagine by the time i get home both will be all fluffed up and on their feet.
they both have their feet under them, and baby #1 is up and about. but baby #2 is still just scootching away.

i will have more of an update on the other egg when i get home 2
Beautiful babies CG! I'm so excited for you.
I've got 3 in the brooder now. The last little guy had zipped but not pushed out and was glued into his shell. I got him out, but he bled a little around his belly button so I put him back in the incubator. Think he'll be fine, but want to give him a few hours to rest and figure out his feet since he was stuck. 1 blue pied, 3 black pied this time.
I need to go check everyone outside, but it's cold and wet and I don't feel like going out there yet. I went to fill food and water before I went to bed and my big ducks were sitting by the babies talking to them instead of sleeping in the coop, so I think they are finally making friends.
Beautiful babies CG! I'm so excited for you.
I've got 3 in the brooder now. The last little guy had zipped but not pushed out and was glued into his shell. I got him out, but he bled a little around his belly button so I put him back in the incubator. Think he'll be fine, but want to give him a few hours to rest and figure out his feet since he was stuck. 1 blue pied, 3 black pied this time.
I need to go check everyone outside, but it's cold and wet and I don't feel like going out there yet. I went to fill food and water before I went to bed and my big ducks were sitting by the babies talking to them instead of sleeping in the coop, so I think they are finally making friends.

im a little anxious about this other baby in the egg tho,

and these are the fridge babies right??
thats soo cool.

and maybe they will finally be best buddied is the bossy calls can get over themselves lol

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