Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

QJ, perhaps I see my goslings through rose colored glasses (
), but mine don't seem to be hitting an ugly phase like the ducklings, although they too are getting wing & tail feathers.
You got that right. It's like they're people! I noticed this morning Fiona is starting the Ugly phase. Feather sprouts are coming in on her tail and a couple on her wings.

just wait you havent seen ugly yet with geese lol.

CG, fantastic news!!

And for the 3rd baby:

very much so.
altho the bad thing is this means i lose both people that were interested. since these guys are STAYING here for now.
hopefully they will still want some at easter.
QJ, perhaps I see my goslings through rose colored glasses (
), but mine don't seem to be hitting an ugly phase like the ducklings, although they too are getting wing & tail feathers.

Let me go take a pic. I have some ugly geese right now. They are closer to being feathered in, but are scraggly looking right now. I love them, but I'll admit that they look funny.

i have NEVER gotten an egg that small

That is a teeny egg.
I just noticed this morning that Fiona looks a little more ... Homely than she did last night. Literally overnight. Her fuzz is starting to thin in places and those little wing shafts are sticking out.

She is still Cute though!! (Just not quite as cute as last night.. lol)
Marty, you will love your goslings to be! They are so different than ducks.

I love my duckies, but I am looking forward to trying friendly geese.

my rugrats are in their brooder!!.
well ok they are in a box in their brooder. they are soo tiny!!
baby #1 is walking all over. and baby #2 isnt quite dry yet, but i had to get them outa that bator. but she is scootin all over and enjoyin the heat light.

and DRUM ROLL please.
baby #3 (yes i said it) is doing great. when i got home he has ext pipped all on his own. so i helped him out a lil and made his hole slightly bigger so he could breath a lil better.
and if not progress in a few hours i will gladly help him and stay up all night with him just like i did with the other 2.
i feel ashamed for pretty much giving up on him. and he made it further than the other 2 did.

and look what i go today.
i think my pastel hen started layin.
the other is a normal egg that i usually get

I get tiny eggs when new girls start laying, not all, but enough to know its not uncommen. Sometimes they are just whites. Sometimes they have a tiny little yolk! so cute.
"No eggs for you!" Sorry Marty, you reminded me of the soup nazi on Seinfeld.

Yay for your hatch Evelle! How are you feeling lately?

I can't let me Fiona and the babies out cuz it's too wet and chilly. IMO. And she is Pi$$ed at me. Whew! Who knew Geese were like teenage girls.

Me luvs the Soup Nazi ! I can watch those episodes over again just to hear him say it!

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