Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Hi Kevin! Always a pleasure to have you join us!
First load of muddy clothes in the washer. Went outside for 2 minutes because I thought my duck was drowning. She was alone in the pool and I didn't see her for like five minutes. I put on my shoes and walked back there and she was sitting on the step preening. Little brat was just swimming around under water. I walked back up front, and my 2 year old had opened the door and her and little sister were out playing in the cold mud having fun. They both cried when I made them come inside.
"No eggs for you!" Sorry Marty, you reminded me of the soup nazi on Seinfeld.

Yay for your hatch Evelle! How are you feeling lately?

I can't let me Fiona and the babies out cuz it's too wet and chilly. IMO. And she is Pi$$ed at me. Whew! Who knew Geese were like teenage girls.


QJ, goslings have got personality, don't they! LOL

What have I gotten myself into??? Just what I need, another prepubescent girl around.

Lol QJ. I wish I had room to bring my babies in and dry them off. They would be upset though. Today is their first day free ranging without mommy babysitting. I keep looking out the window and the ducks are pulling up worms and the geese are gorging themselves on grass. The big ducks are sticking close, they have tons of puddles. They've even managed to dry out. Wonder if they'll go with the big ducks to the coop tonight or if they'll try to go back to their brooder. They haven't went near it so far, too much food and water in the yard.

Isn't lovely out though? I thought of how jealous the ducks would be of the new dog. A milke up the road, after a jog, I let hiim ofleash to run and play, and today he ran though a puddle that turned into a ditch. He got soaked to his ears, but he was as happy as a duck would be!
I have 12 BLUE Copper MARANS in LD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are the replacement eggs from DEC ! These are my Huck farms Marans ~ I have been waiting forever it seems !!!!! Insert Enthusiam x a billion!

So They all are in LD ~ I have candled & they all look good! But they are some DARK DARK eggs

I want some BLUE BLUE BLUE !
Please peeps I need some blue vibes !

Actually I want an awesome hatch more, but I really want blue. Did I say Blue

that should do it

Its spring break, so on with the swim suits, shorts, t-shirt, a hefty bag raincoat, and galoshes (which as far as I can tell didn't make it to the third puddle). They look like drowned rats.

I think we must be the only ones with out rain in days (knock on wood) but that does not stop my kids from turning into complete grub balls while out there

$6 a doz. They are pet quality. So not worth to much, but I hate throwing out fertilized eggs. We dont eat them, and I dont hatch them very much...

I would love to get some from you after the easter hatch

I'm still using my best effort to not go candle eggs. Not going well... giving in...

So, what I thought might have been a chicken egg may actually be a Silkie Duck egg!

Of the four chicks I put under the broody at the farm, we only have two left. Flippy chick and one other. One drowned in the water and unsure about the other.

There's another broody mama at the farm and her chick hatched last week sometime. Today I found it dead. So I reached under mama and discovered two dead chicks who had pipped and not progressed, one egg that mama had kicked out of the nest and two that I think I heard tapping in. I'm not enjoying all this death, but I need to let nature take its course.

so sorrry i hope it turns around for you soon!

First load of muddy clothes in the washer. Went outside for 2 minutes because I thought my duck was drowning. She was alone in the pool and I didn't see her for like five minutes. I put on my shoes and walked back there and she was sitting on the step preening. Little brat was just swimming around under water. I walked back up front, and my 2 year old had opened the door and her and little sister were out playing in the cold mud having fun. They both cried when I made them come inside.
we haven't had any rain in days but still have an everest pile of muddy/dirty clothes at my house

my rugrats are in their brooder!!.
well ok they are in a box in their brooder. they are soo tiny!!
baby #1 is walking all over. and baby #2 isnt quite dry yet, but i had to get them outa that bator. but she is scootin all over and enjoyin the heat light.

and DRUM ROLL please.
baby #3 (yes i said it) is doing great. when i got home he has ext pipped all on his own. so i helped him out a lil and made his hole slightly bigger so he could breath a lil better.
and if not progress in a few hours i will gladly help him and stay up all night with him just like i did with the other 2.
i feel ashamed for pretty much giving up on him. and he made it further than the other 2 did.

and look what i go today.
i think my pastel hen started layin.
the other is a normal egg that i usually get

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