Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

I don't know if I mentioned it here or not, but I ended up bringing some eggs home because my boss wanted all the broodies broken because there was a coyote lurking about.

I've had:
2 leakers
1 exploder
and 4 babies working on internally pipping!

Not to mention 2 or 3 that are still in early stages.

Thrilled, especially since I got my hours cut back due to customer cancellations. Our county is mostly Navy and government contractors. Nobody wants to spend money if they don't know when the next paycheck is coming, so I'm an early civilian casualty. I'm now only working two days a week. At least I might have sweet little fuzzies to ease the pain.
sorry to hear that....

the fuzzes will snuggle with you!
Sadly I think holy duck died. It seems like it hit a blood vessel while trying to externally pip and that killed it. I feel no movement or anything. I've had a lot die that way this hatch. Like 6 eggs and I'm not sure why.

Aw no I'm sorry to hear that.

GQ, sorry for the ones you lost but yay for the 4 pipping!
sorry to hear that....

the fuzzes will snuggle with you!
Yes, they will.

Aw no I'm sorry to hear that.

GQ, sorry for the ones you lost but yay for the 4 pipping!
I'm thrilled to get anything from these eggs. It was a gamble taking broody eggs of unknown age.

Leakers and Exploders. Yuck. Sorry.
I had no idea what I was getting with those eggs. I expected the whole batch to fail after taking them from the broodies and driving home with them directly under the car heater to keep them warm.
GQ I'm so sorry that you've been affected by our government shut down that must be awful. Learningstill yes holy duck is gone :( he was doing so great and then hit a vein or something and I checked about 4 times before I pronounced the little guy as a goner. But on other news I had two ducklings waiting fr me this morning in the bator. Which is always a good thing. I will post a pic of them either tomorrow or the next day. I work 7 to 7 tomorrow so I might be too tired when I get home.
Sorry about little holy duck :( I have a duckling due to hatch Wednesday so I'm hoping she makes it out, especially since I've already named her.

Hi All,

Thought I would quickly come show you what my gorgeous muscovy babies look like. Unfortunately the last baby didn't make it. But there is still three to love. Aren't they just adorable?

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