Tiger Dog? Panda Pup?

Those people are so talented and have a great imagination. My male shih-tzu has to be brushed out really well at least once a week and he loves it. He just lays back and sleeps.
As far as dyeing chicks/ducks...I think the laws against it are because they are being sold as novelties at Easter. People buy them without a clue on how to care for them and they die.
I like the pandas too. It's hard to tell if they are dogs or pandas.
I feel bad for them, though it is neat

it's actually not against the law or cruel. Chicks are dyed in the shells, by way of a small hole in the egg. they hatch already colorful. People conducting wildlife studies often do this to wild ducklings, laboratories do this to track certain groups for various studies. It does not harm them and the color only lasts until the first moult.
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it's actually not against the law or cruel. Chicks are dyed in the shells, by way of a small hole in the egg. they hatch already colorful. People conducting wildlife studies often do this to wild ducklings, laboratories do this to track certain groups for various studies. It does not harm them and the color only lasts until the first moult.

Skyrocket doesn't mean the dye harming them, but the people who buy them as an impulse buy with no idea on how to raise/care for chickens.

And in at least PA it unlawful to sell/trade dyed chicks.
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I love the buffalo, I was at the competition when she did it and everyone was trying to guess what he was going to be! And YES there is competitive creative dog grooming. These weren't random trims and dye jobs, they were planned for months to a year ahead of time to get the right amount of coat for the cut. They dyes are all vegetable and non-toxic. If a dog does not have the disposition to enjoy this type of 'treatment' they are not there.
Boy People Really Got Mad over that I don't see where its so cruel I love it I think its really cute and its better then docking tails and ears
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Heres the bottom line, in MY opinion..
Doesnt matter if an animal is dyed or if it isnt...
If you are a Crappy pet owner the animal will suffer abuse/neglect EITHER WAY, dye or not....
If you are a good animal owner and think that little pink chicks and tiger dogs are cuuuute...then goood for you! Have fun! Its not harming the animal at all.
If you are a CRAPPY/neglectful animal owner ... then the dye wont really make a difference anyway,.. will it??

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