Tiger Dog? Panda Pup?

Like everything except water you don't want to get it IN your eyes, but alot of women dye their eyebrows. Alot of times these pet dyes are less chemically and more kool-aid-y... So there's not really any 'fumes' to irritate the eyes.
I thought the Steelers football player was the best

But I'd hate to be one of those dogs, they must be so embarrased! And HATE their owners
while cool looking, it boarders on animal abuse In my opinion. Sorry, had this debate with someone when it first came out a few months ago. I just dont see it as being kind or caring.
Out of curiosity, why do you think it's abuse? They're not hurt, neglected, unhappy or anything (as far as I know), and a dog isn't going to look in the mirror and think "Aw man, I look silly".

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