Tiger Dog? Panda Pup?

I said it was just a personal opinion. That's all it is and I respect everyone elses opinon, so, on this, we'll just have to agree to disagree.
I like your hubby..
I said it was just a personal opinion. That's all it is and I respect everyone elses opinon, so, on this, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

I'm personally interested in why it is a pretty prominent opinion in the general western public that pops up on any of the dying threads (to the level of calling it abuse or close to abuse, I get the animals as commodities discomfort). I haven't been able to figure it out, and I'm always curious to know things like motivations.

Hm, I think I know how I'm wearing my hair tomorrow. Buffalo.​
I'll just say this once, and then i'm finished with trying to explain my position as I do not want a debate, i posted my opinion and the reason i hold it. Thats all it is...MY personal opinon.

Would you dye a chick or bunny at easter? If you do or would do so I would first check your state laws on this as it is illegal in several states to participate in this odd annual "tradition". It may not be blatent abuse, and I hold the position that it BOARDERS on abuse, either way, the animal may have a reaction to the dye, the dog has to be teathered and remain still for long enough to "paint" them like this. Who really knows how they were treated in the process? Neither you or I were there to see that they didn't use shock collars or how they got them to remain still and compliant for what is sure to take a good while. While you may dye your dogs ears, or dunk a silkie that is nowhere near forcing a dog the size of a small adult to stand still long enough to make them look like another animal. I said, it looks cool, but i would not condone it, nor would i make my dog, cat, bunny, or chicken or any other animal for that fact sit so i could "paint" them just for the halibut.

The end.
All I can say while attempting to not directly address the topic that was brought up as requested, is that every dog I've had was easy to train to "stand", that is, stay still in a standing position, using treats and praise. A treat or a pat here and there during the process (usually use this one for extensive vet checks, for road safety training, or as crowds of people pass by), and you end up with a content dog. Such training has really helped build up my current shy girl's confidence. I would be very surprised if a shock collar would even produce a dog that would stand tall as needed, and would find widespread use of them highly unlikely for having dogs stand still, as well as not allowed in competition type settings. I do think it important, that while every person has opinions, that they can talk about and discuss why they hold them when they express them in public. Ultimately, it helps all reach understanding and widens our views. All good things.
. So thank you for expanding upon yours.
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Like everything except water you don't want to get it IN your eyes, but alot of women dye their eyebrows. Alot of times these pet dyes are less chemically and more kool-aid-y... So there's not really any 'fumes' to irritate the eyes.

One of the first things taught in cosmetology school about hair color is do not dye the eyebrows. Now I get that the animal dye is more of a kool aid thing but still putting it so close to the animals eyes isn't right. It doesn't have to have a chemical in it to irritate the poor dogs eyes. But holy cow how'd they get the dogs to be still for all those stripes.

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