To many chicks?


10 Years
May 6, 2009
Near Grants Pass, Oregon
My Sizzle bantam hen hatched 8 Sizzle/Buff Orpington chicks a couple of days ago. At the same time she was hatching the eggs in my incubator were hatching (Buff Orpington/Barnyard mix hens) so I stuck 8 wet just hatched babies under her with her own hatchlings. That is 16 chicks under her.
Now I'm worried that she can't keep all of them warm - did I do a bad thing? Should I remove some of the standard chicks? I checked her today and they were having a hard time all getting under her, there were a whole row of little butts sticking out.
She sleeps in a box with shavings at night so is protected, and so far the babies are doing okay, but it is going to get worse as they grow bigger. But on the other hand as they grow they will get feathers to help keep them warm.
Am I worring about nothing as it is summer and the weather is warm?
Similar situation impending here... I bought some (15) hatching eggs and could only safely get 7 under my broody banty.

I hoped her 'often broody' sister would go broody if I put her on the eggs when her chicks moved out... she didn't. So I gave the other 8 eggs to our 2 broody elder Cochins, and removed the old dessicated (prob not fertile?) eggs they'd been sitting.
Now I hope they will actually mother them when they hatch. If not I may try what you did and give all 15 (I can hope for 100% hatch rate can't I?) to 'Blackclaw'.

Hopefully one answer will do for both of us
I think that you should watch them closely, and if one gets booted out you could put in a brooder. A book I have says that most hens can cover 12-18 eggs of the size they lay, and a banty can only hatch 8-10 eggs from a large hen. Soooo, I'm thinking your hen will be alright.
Good luck and keep an eye out... Please post pics!

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