To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

This is such an amazing amount of clear information on worming and I would love to see this info stickied!! Thank you so much for all the help. We did our flock of 60+ mixed flock with pour on Ivermectin, after having done the Piperzine two weeks ago. I so appreciate the info. We also used wd40 on the leg mites two weeks ago, even though we knew the Ivermectin would take care of them now. We just wanted to get a jump on them, rather than wait two weeks for treatment to start. Their legs look so much better today! And we're in WI 20+ temps and it was clean and easy to use! Very happy to have that recommendation!

My only question is that we had a hard time finding a bare spot on a few of the birds and their feathers ended up soaking up a lot of the wormer. One of them was to the point that we redid her, but the others we let go. Should I reworm in two weeks or should I just watch for bugs. We have lice and mites for sure besides the leg mites and as I've never wormed in the three years we've had this flock, I'd think worms for sure too. We also had one bantam slip out and not get treated, so I was thinking we'd just catch everyone in two weeks and asses the situation. If there are still bugs, can I reworm at that point, two weeks out, with the pour on? I think I can, based on what I've read, but wanted to ask it as a straight question to see if anyone had a clear answer.

Our flock has always looked healthy, acted healthy and produced plenty of really nice sized eggs, so I had no idea we had so many pests in the flock!!!
I came looking for answers as we kept loosing a hen here and there for no apparent reason and that's when I realized I needed to add in the worming and such, then when we started to pick them up we found the lice and mites. The leg mites came with some older banties and I assumed it was just age, but now I see it spreading and so I feel like a neglectful owner, but I AM treating them and will continue to monitor the situation.

Thank you again for all the wonderful help, I so appreciate it and am so grateful for this forum!
wow... you all make my head spin.

I've had chickens for 7 or so years now and have never wormed. I do rounds of meat birds in the summer and take them to a processor who checks them for disease and gives them the seal of dept. of ag. approval so I can resell them if I choose.

But it has been on my mind to start a worming program.
What is the full name for ivermectin and safe guard wormers?? i can never find them every one just say ivermectin or safe you no many ivermectins there are out there?? ALOT! and i don't want to get the wrong kinda and kill my chickens or something bad.....please help me?
LOVE this thread!!! Couple questions though...

1 - What is the dosage for Zimectrin Gold? I looked up the label and it's 1.55% ivermectin and 7.75% praziquantel. I assume you would do the dillute in water and mix with crumbles to administer.
2 - Is the bi-yearly worming done once or is it repeated after two weeks like the initial worming?

Also wanted to mentioned to those worried about going without eggs while you worm. If possible, you can split the flock into two groups. Worm one group, then when you're able to consume those eggs again, worm the other group.
Wormers are just like people meds. You have the brand name, then the generic name. Kinda like Advil is a brand name for the drug ibuprophin.

Ivermectin is just that ... ivermectin. It be labeled many different ways, including "Zimectrin."

SafeGuard is a trade name for Fenbendazole. It can also be marketed under the name "Panacur."
Make sure whatever you get it's "10% Fenbendazole." Then follow the instructions from earlier in the thread.

ETA: I'm working on BYC page about wormers. I'll let ya'll know when I get it done.
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OMG that would be so helpful!


I am newbie and have agonized over what to do even after reading through literally hours and hours of posts!

I knew whatever I did, I wanted it to

1) work on broad spectrum of worms because this just totally grosses me out to no end;

2) be relatively in-expensive cost wise (I'm sorry but spending more than 10x the cost of the chicken just to de-worm it, is beyond my comprehension- but then maybe because I have not named my chickens yet???)

3) be easily converted into good management practices, i.e. easy for me to accomplish in a timely manner on all my chickens;

and finally, since so much is "off label" uses, I wanted something that had a high degree of safety built in to the dosing levels since my girls are very young still, but I did not want to wait until they started laying, to decide that perhaps here in wormville central (Florida), worming is just a fact of life for maintaining any healthy animal who has alot of contact with the ground (my free ranging chickens for example).

Everyone here on BYC has been so helpful and committed to helping us newbies- I thank you for your time and dedication- and I for one, will be forever grateful.

Take care of you and yours,

That's ok, we have had chickens of one sort or another for years, and the best I can do is to say "get out of my way, ladies" to the hens, and "you better not bud" to the roos. I love my birds but I am not good with remembering people names, let alone trying to remember what I named my birds.
I think jackrooster may be addressing the different types of ivermectin - like pour-on, injectable, etc. I remember that somewhere, I believe on BYC, there are directions for using each of the different 'types' or 'strengths' of iver. Does anyone know where these might be listed?
This is an excellent thread, thanks so much!!

My girls were wormed with wazine two weeks ago. After reading this thread I ran to TSC, they were out of pour-on Ivermectin!

So I purchased horse wormer - Zimecterin Gold (ivermectin 1.55% w/ praziquantel 7.75%).

I want to make sure this is correct - it will kill BOTH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PARASITES?

Also know that I have to toss the eggs for two weeks. My Girls are just 4 months old and started laying a couple days ago.
Now that I have the wormer in hand I'm kind of afraid to use it on them (bb size dose) ...... until someone with much more experience give me an A-OK !


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