To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

I need advice on the pour on irmvectin drops. I have a small glass bottle with a dropper in it that used to hold a liquid vitamin. It is empty and cleaned out now. Can I use that dropper to drop on the irmvectin instead of a syringe? I do not have a syringe and do not know where to get one(although I did see a couple shady people hanging out downtown that could help me out with that :)
Shady people arn't too hard to find anymore
I really don't see why it would be any differant, as long as you can close the bottle up tight when you are done and store it like normal.
I too was wondering about the dosage for the Ivermectin pour-on. How many cc's do you use per bird? and where on the bird do you apply it??? -Thanks
I'm trying my first attempt at the pour on this weekend. From what I have found out its .25 cc for bantams and .5cc for standard size adults. Now I just need to read my bottle and see if I have to throw the eggs into the woods for another two weeks. I wormed with wazine 2 weeks ago and they are really picking up again

Oh and apply it on the back of the neck ON THE SKIN. If it gets onto the feathers they will absorb it and I don't believe it will work properly.
The feed store here had piperazine dihyrochloride 53% in 400gm packages. The dose on the package is 400 grams with 200 kilograms on feed or 325 liters of water for 1250 layers or 3100 broilers. Treat birds every 30-60 days starting at 6 weeks.

My question: how do I figure small enough amounts for 30 chickens? HELP?
OK, I just had to jump in here!

First, this is an AWESOME post! I, too, bookmarked it.

Second, I don't understand how some folks can read all the way through and still not understand how and where to apply ivermectin, or what dosage of ANY of these products to use; the instructions were quite clear and you've repeated them many times, very patiently. Thank you for your graciousness.

And ThreeHorses, Queen of all Worms, I'm not worthy! LOL!

I noticed the only mention of a "natural" wormer was pumpkin, and I noticed ThreeHorses said it is not effective for a worm infestation. I agree with that, as I noticed the first worm EVER in the coop, about 6 weeks after I tried the natural routine (dandelion, pumpkin, etc) mentioned in Backyard Poultry a couple of issues ago. My girls would rather go hungry than eat dandelion, I can tell you that!

So my question is, what is your feeling about DE? I've read that DE dessicates insects, and yet the feed I treated with DE had tiny weevils LIVING in the DE powder at the bottom of the container, 3 weeks after I poured it into the water-tight container. It didn't seem to be dessicating them too badly! And I bombed a few cockroaches with a different brand of DE, and they were still running around more than a week later (it was an experiment; I don't keep pet roaches!). And if it's supposed to dessicate them, how in the HECK is it supposed to impact an intestinal parasite, which is in a semi-aqueous environment? I prefer non-chemical approaches to life, but am not averse to using them when the situation warrants. Like others, I am loathe to give up eggs for 4 weeks a year; they provide much of the protein in my diet. I'm very interested to see what you have to say about DE.

Thanks for all the time you've invested in this thread!
I want to thank every one for there help. Used the Wazine first two week then Ivermtcin. Now again in six months I do the Ivermtcin. Do I do it again in two weeks or six months?
After the worner do I use probio or probiotic? The only Probiotic vit B+E I can find is for goats.
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I went to Tractor Supply tonight and picked up a pour-on ivermectin for cattle called Iver-On, which was $24.99 for 250ml (Eprinex was $35.99 for 250ml).
That's a cost of 10 cents per ml.

I'm going to Wazine the girls, then in a month I'll Ivermectin them.

Next, I'm going to find out if the same dosage (1ml per 22lbs body weight) is appropriate for heartworms in dogs. Once i determine if that dosage is correct, I'm going to start treating my dogs monthly with this, instead of their $7.50 Heartgard.

Let's see....6 dogs, $7.50/dog. Dogs are all right around 60lbs, so that's about 30 cents per dog. I'm going to save $42 a MONTH, or almost $500 a YEAR!!!

Threehorses, can I buy you a drink????!!!!!
I personally wouldn't do ivermectin in the water as it has a small margin between effective and toxic. Too much piperazine or fenbendazole is unlikely to make a chicken sick. Too much ivermectin if a chicken is drinking lots that day for some reason- and you could kill your bird(s). Also the injectables are not formulated to suspend in water (I don't know about the pour-on). The injectable can be mixed with water (diluted) to more accurately apply to a small animal, but you have to shake it up right before you use it. It won't stay suspended in water, and if you try to mix it in a poultry waterer it may end up concentrated at one level, and some birds get too much, and some birds don't get enough...


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