To Worm or Not? And, Piperazine dosage for bantams?

Please make this a sticky! I've been searching for several hours for a good thread on chicken worming that doesn't say worm with DE, pumpkin seeds and hot peppers. I'm not opposed to those measures if that is what one wants to use, but I want to know the known, even if off label, worming drugs and dosages for my chickens. Thank you all for sharing this information.

Sticky sticky sticky!
Hey threehorses, how do you know proper dosages for wormers when they are used mainly for cows, goats, sheep and
other animals? I want to make sure I am buying the right fenbendazole, and I have no idea about its dosage. Thanks for
any help.
Next, I'm going to find out if the same dosage (1ml per 22lbs body weight) is appropriate for heartworms in dogs. Once i determine if that dosage is correct, I'm going to start treating my dogs monthly with this, instead of their $7.50 Heartgard.

Let's see....6 dogs, $7.50/dog. Dogs are all right around 60lbs, so that's about 30 cents per dog. I'm going to save $42 a MONTH, or almost $500 a YEAR!!!

Dogs shouldn't be given ivermectin needs a carrier. And herding breeds should not have ivermectin at all.
I use Interceptor (heartworm wormer) for my dogs. It is Ivormectin. I have heard of people, breeders, that use straight Ivormectin for cattle on dogs but the dosage must be very accurate.

I question the use of cattle wormer for your "pets", mainly because my vet is a "farm vet, older gentleman 70ish" and he has never mentioned this. I saw him today, before I read this post, and I usually have episodes that cause me to visit him in 3's, so I expect to be visiting him again soon. I will ask him how he feels and if it would be safe and post back.
Intercetor is milbemycin
Heartguard is ivermectin
These are very different chemicals

Livestock ivermectin can be used in dogs, and is commonly for certain conditions (like scabies and demodex)- but one has to be very confident with both MATH and breed sensitivities to use this safely. The dose for heartworm prevention is much much lower than for mites. Micrograms instead of milligrams/kg. You can save money by using the cattle stuff, but you can also send your dog to the emergency hospital or kill it if you put the decimal place in the wrong place, or divide wrong. It is much easier to use properly labeled things, though- yes you are paying for packaging and advertising. Cheaper alternative to heartguard is IVERHEART. If your vet doesn't carry it, ask for a prescription for generic heartquard to fill online.

so i wormed with the first wormer today, so in 14 days i would like to use ivermectin. however, i have liguid for horses says 10 ml per ml. so do i just use one drop for Australorp pullet and how much for a silkie? thanks in advance
Okay, I just want to confirm what I think I learned from reading through this.

February 4 I wormed with Wazine.

February 18 I will worm with Ivermectin, correct?
And the dosage of paste should be one BB sized pellet per chicken, correct?

And, I should toss the eggs for another two weeks, correct?

I think I'm getting confused
My farm vet staff uses 0.1ml per 10 lb of dog for dogs. That is only a couple of DROPS for a small dog.
I've been giving this to my old yorkies and two large dogs for a few years now and although can't guarantee anything, have not had problems. I use the straight, injectable, ivermectin.

If the company making the product has not labeled it for dogs, most vets would not be comfortable saying it's ok. We use the injectable for alpacas. Though they are not usually listed on product labels, we have to use SOMETHING and there is enough research that the experts recommend it. Alpacas are paralyzed and killed by a parasite that the white tailed deer carry, the meningeal worm, so use of ivermectin is widely accepted.
I learned so much from this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been wondering about worm infestations as we have had a horrible run with it at our place since last fall. Eveything seems wormy! Goats, dogs, cats, chickens.......thought about worming the kids just to be sure! I checked some fecals at the vet's and he said the animals had round worms and nemetodes!? I lost my herd buck and two wethers trying to get it under control. With spring coming on I would like to worm and wipe it out, then start fresh. Any ideas? I had some good luck with herbals from Fir Meadow in the past. Just not sure what to do. DEFINATLY want to end the bad run with parasites though!

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