Toulouse Geese Thread

Ok funny turn of events... How likely is it for a yearling trip of geese to hatch out a brood? And how many eggs do they usually lay before they set, if they will even hatch?

I just found a sneaky goose with 5 eggs, and she was NOT happy. The gander came running across the pasture to chase me away too.

Edited to add -

Checked on goose today, nest looked disturbed so I checked it. All 5 eggs are gone, and she was no longer sitting on the nest. :/ what the heck is going on?!
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Anyone have any advice or experience with this? Yearlings trying to hatch out chicks...and or them moving the eggs to a new nest? (I'm not sure it was them that moved the eggs, we do have raccoons and skunks around here)
Anyone have any advice or experience with this? Yearlings trying to hatch out chicks...and or them moving the eggs to a new nest? (I'm not sure it was them that moved the eggs, we do have raccoons and skunks around here)
If your goose or geese are trying to nest outside in unprotected areas they won't last long if you have raccoons the raccoons wouldn't move the eggs from one place to another, they will kill the goose and rob the nest of the eggs.
Ok, yeah the geese are ok...but the eggs were just missing from the nest. So I didn't know if they woulda moved them or if an egg thief got them. I'm in the process of building them a goose coop and paddock out at my new house. They will free range when we are home during the day on 40 acres, and be locked up at night. But for now they are still at a friends farm. :/ so with protection...would yearlings be able to hatch out and brood goslings or should I wait and try again next year?
Ok, yeah the geese are ok...but the eggs were just missing from the nest. So I didn't know if they woulda moved them or if an egg thief got them. I'm in the process of building them a goose coop and paddock out at my new house. They will free range when we are home during the day on 40 acres, and be locked up at night. But for now they are still at a friends farm.
so with protection...would yearlings be able to hatch out and brood goslings or should I wait and try again next year?
I think so, I wouldn't let her sit a large amount of eggs That way she'd be able to care for them better with the help of the gander and the rest of the flock. With 40acres for their new free ranging you might have to put a bell around ones neck to find them at the end of the day. That's alot of acreage to free range on. lol
Ok thanks :) that gives me a little more hope.

And yeah we are trying our hand at starting a homestead/ranch starting from the ground up so we got lots of space lol! Our small flock of sheep aren't gonna know what to do with themselves with so much room! Either are our birds. ;)
Ok thanks
that gives me a little more hope.

And yeah we are trying our hand at starting a homestead/ranch starting from the ground up so we got lots of space lol! Our small flock of sheep aren't gonna know what to do with themselves with so much room! Either are our birds.
When do you plan to move in? Sounds awesome.
We've actually already moved out there (been about a month now), it's about 30 miles from the nearest town. We got a 28' semi trailer and we are in the process of turning it into a tiny house, once it's done we are going to live in it until we finish our real house...a cabin/cottage. And then the tiny house will be a guest house. :) we've got a long way to go but it will be a fun adventure to get it how we want it, and a lot cheaper since we are doing everything ourselves.
We will be 100% offgrid and self sufficient once it's done. And I can't wait until we are self sufficient ...that's our #1 goal. :D
We've actually already moved out there (been about a month now), it's about 30 miles from the nearest town. We got a 28' semi trailer and we are in the process of turning it into a tiny house, once it's done we are going to live in it until we finish our real house...a cabin/cottage. And then the tiny house will be a guest house.
we've got a long way to go but it will be a fun adventure to get it how we want it, and a lot cheaper since we are doing everything ourselves.
We will be 100% offgrid and self sufficient once it's done. And I can't wait until we are self sufficient ...that's our #1 goal.

Sounds wonderful. you'll have to keep us updated on how everything goes.

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