Tractor Supply Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone! I have been reading and noticed several people bought chicks and wound up with more roo's than desired. So a silly thought crossed my mind: why not learn how to sex a chick before you go to the store?
It's easy to do....
1) Pick the chick up by the scruff of its neck.
2) if the feet dangle it's a girl.
3) if the chick pulls it's feet up to its body it's a boy.

Hope this helps someone out.
That is an old wives' tale that doesn't always work. Just be aware of that if you actually try it. There have been many people who used that method who ended up with an entire flock of roos!!
I just bought some Reds there they say they are a combo of Rhode Island reds and red sexlinks. They told me they are pulleys but I think one is a boy.
I drove in the ice and snow to TSC to buy chicks as soon as they came in. I bought 4 straight run Partridge Plymouth Rocks. The young employee that helped me said she could tell the sex. Her coworker was not pleased at this, so she discreetly picked 4 for me by vent sexing. I really hope she is right. I do see how this affected the roo pullet ratio for the chicks that were left...

My chickens from TSC.

I think this one is a boy what do you think?


All of the others have a black line on the back of their necks.
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