Tractor Supply Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could only get a picture of three, they're fast little things. They're all supposed to be pullets, how reliable is Tractor Supply's sexing? Sorry for the questions, but I'd like to know.
(I tried to edit my earlier post, but it wouldn't let me)
So, hoping this can be answered here so I don't have to start a new thread..

Our Tractor supply has a bunch of chicks in right now. A lot of what they had earlier this week was already sold out by this evening, however the "Pullet" bin still was quite full of these little ones in the pic.

What type of chicks are these? From looking around online, appears they are Black Star Sex Links? If so, are they actually pullets?

This is a grainy pic...TSC had a big horse fence corral around the chicks to keep people from getting too close to the chicks when they aren't actively watching them.

Planning to maybe get 6 of them next week with 6 (or 3 and 3 of something else) of what we find at Southern states.
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With red sex links females are red and males are yellow. Black sex link pullets have solid black heads and males have a white spot on top of their heads just like barred rocks.
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So, hoping this can be answered here so I don't have to start a new thread..:p Our Tractor supply has a bunch of chicks in right now. A lot of what they had earlier this week was already sold out by this evening, however the "Pullet" bin still was quite full. What type of chicks are these? From looking around online, appears they are Black Star Sex Links? If so, are they actually pullets? This is a grainy pic...TSC had a big horse fence corral around the chicks to keep people from getting too close to the chicks when they aren't actively watching them. Planning to maybe get 6 of them next week with 6 (or 3 and 3 of something else) of what we find at Southern states.
if they are barred rocks, they could be female. But of they are sex links, they would be male (the ones with white on their head, black sex link pullets are all black on their heads.)

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