Tractor Supply Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what I thought too. They were very nice. The guy didn't know what kind of chicks we picked and there was no sign. But he ran up to the register as we were paying to tell us they were White Rocks. And I have to say the chicks weren't played with in the store. They were much loved once home though, At the store they were in giant watering tubs and then those were inside a fence made out of gates so that no kids could reach them. And the day we were there it was supervised at all times.

Ooops I guess I didn't quote right. I was trying to quote someone who said the people at their Tractor Supply were nice and helpful, if not very knowledgeable about the chickens.
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So far my 6 have been doing great from TSC, the wing feathers are really growing and developing already they do jump and flap around, kinda wondering if I have a roo on my hands, one loves to hop on top of the feeder and sit, and pecks at your hand when you reach in and seems mean, I haven't noticed when I look in on them, I have noticed its feet is more darker in color then the others they are more light peach colored don't know if that means anything, but will ride it out a little longer and see what happens if its a roo I will have to figure something out as one the rules in our city code is no rooster's and I don't want a roo. We did take a bird perch and put in the brooder box and they took to it pretty quick and love it, most of them like to lay on the bottom like they are nesting more than the perch.
I am glad to hear you had good luck with them. Mine looked so rough but now they have feathered out nicely. I did get really lucky with my 2 Cochin. They both are frizzled. Yay

I didn't read all the posts ... But my TC had different breeds at different times ... I got red pullets and bared plymoth rocks .. I'm a newbie . The main thing I know and it sounds very cheap , where I live the TC throws away the lamps feeders n bins the chicks are in when chick days are over . They are not allowed to sell them . I only know this because I know a worker. So if you don't mind "used" you can get extra supplies outside ... I know it sounds bad , but hey what ever saves a few dollars these days lol
wow good to know who cares clean and use going to see if our stores doe this..thanks for info..

Wow is right. I always assumed they cleaned the tubs and used them again next year. I know the manager and main cashier but I do not assume that they know me (unless it's "that lady who got 20 bags of Omeg feed" LOL) so I wouldn't be able to have the nerve to ask.


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