Treating sick turkeys - Warning, contains necropsy pictures!

I still need to purchase what you mentioned. I need to treat his sisters and
parents before they too fall sick. We really do not want to lose an other.
Also, when he passed away. there was an immediate bad oder coming of him.
Is that normal or do I need to worry for the entire flock.
Dear Kathy,

many thanks for your help and I would be very thankful to learn how to safely fluid birds.
However, our boy just passed. He gave a few shuddering breath and breathed out. And died.
I'm so sorry!
I don't want to sound insensitive, but you really should think about doing a necropsy. Doing so will help guide you in keeping the rest of your flock healthy and alive. It's quite easy, and if it's blackhead, which I suspect, it will be obvious.

I've just lost one to blackhead, and now I'm treating several other that are quite ill, so I do know how you feel. Again, sorry for your loss.

I still need to purchase what you mentioned. I need to treat his sisters and
parents before they too fall sick. We really do not want to lose an other.
Also, when he passed away. there was an immediate bad oder coming of him.
Is that normal or do I need to worry for the entire flock.
You really need to cut him open and verify that it was or wasn't blackhead.

Thank you. Its hard, they really grow on one. He was born and raised here.
He followed one around just as our dogs and cats. And was friends with them too.
Its really sad and my condolences to you too.

And yes I was thinking of doing a necropsy.I worry for the others and do not wish to lose more.
Thank you. Its hard, they really grow on one. He was born and raised here.
He followed one around just as our dogs and cats. And was friends with them too.
Its really sad and my condolences to you too.

And yes I was thinking of doing a necropsy.I worry for the others and do not wish to lose more.
I really do love my turkeys and peafowl, but as painful as it is, I muster up the courage and check their insides. Would you like to see some of my blackhead necropsy pictures?

  • Depressed
  • Dropped wings
  • Not eating
  • Weak
  • Thin
  • Yellow liquid poop
  • Dark green cecal poop with blood

Here he is looking very stoic three hours before he died. You can't tell from the picture, but he's about 1kg (2.2 pounds) underweight.

Here is a poop picture, but it looked much more yellow than it does here.


Here are the necropsy pictures from one of the peacocks.

Liver and cecal pouches

Contents of cecal pouch - black liquid poop, NOT normal!

Inside of cecal pouch

Liver with the blackhead spots and I think the black edges are necrotic


Thank you for the pictures. I will use them to compare our bird. And the poop looks very familiar.
It seems that more birds have it.

So I have to give them all the Metronidazole and the api general cure right?

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