Treats for 7 week old chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 6, 2013
I have finally let my 4 hens out in the backyard to totally free range the last two evenings(nervously) and haven't had to tuff of time getting them back in. But I was wondering what treat do you use to get thier attention. I have been using a red dixie cup with hand full of meal worms in it and shake and talk to them so they would associate the sound,the red cup and my voice with food. They pick throught it but it really doesn't turn them on. Do you have any other suggestions as far as treats?
I am surprised they didn't go crazy over the meal worms, but I guess in time they will. Try a small grain mix of bird seed. They won't be able to handle the whole corn and sunflower seeds in a lot of mixes yet, that will change quickly as they get older.
CORN! my chickens would kill for it. especialy on the cob!
Sweet corn or field corn? Undried sweet corn won't rattle in a can to attract them.
i just get corn cobs from my friend. and when it isnt in season i just get it in a can at the store. once they get A taste of it you dont need to rattle it. i just yell chickens!!! and they come running!
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So you are using sweet corn. Once you have them trained to come with your voice or a sound you can use anything they like to reinforce the training.
I know it's nerve racking a first, Watching the sky for hawks and keeping them close to the coop. I'm worn out after about 30 minutes.
Thanks for all the quick answers, is a small amount of can corn okay for them at this age? 7 weeks
Sweet corn is fine if they have grit. With yours having time out on the ground I'll bet they have picked some grit up. Don't be surprised if they don't take right to it. Chicks can be fussy eaters with something new. But once they find they can eat something and like it, count your fingers if you hand feed.

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