Tribute to @memphis and her Lapper turkeys

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Jun. 4, 2016 @memphis wrote

Aurora.....hoping Eve proves to be a good moma. Keep us posted.

Gander...nothing cuter than the poults strutting...:D

Summer has settled upon the south. Hot & very humid. We learn not to breath too deeply for fear of drowning in this humidity. Birds are smart. They stay shaded, take advantage of the baby pool & fans. Laying has slowed down. The chickens go into their coop almost an hour before the turkeys. With all the egg laying and evening bug hunting done for the day, it's the turkeys chance to relax before bedtime. Last night I had one on each arm of my Adirondack chair. Just chilling.
Jun. 4, 2016 @memphis wrote

Ralph, Queen Lizzie sounds like my Big Betty. SS are just so curious & love the attention. Still my favorite breed.

JJ is like my Daisy. According to her I SHOULD NOT be holding any bird but her. She will circle my chair & if she can, grab a tail feather. Going to rain most of the day. So spent some time with the girls this morning. Of course Daisy, after foraging, ended up in my lap for a mid-morning snooze. One plus of having a lapper, she will pick off mosquitoes if they happen to land within reach. Annie was laying at my feet and picked off a few herself. Hmmm....maybe anyone heading to Rio for the Olympics should take a lapper with them for added mosquito protection. I can see it now. Hundreds of fans watching an event with their lappers. :gig
Jun. 4, 2016 @memphis wrote

Feedman...the new tom sounds interesting. Post pics when you get a chance. Quail are cute! Friend of mine raised them. Seems they were always escaping. You'll have to keep us posted on the quail adventure.

Sounds like Eve is doing pretty good as a new moma! I believe Ralph said Ethel will let him check her nest without going ninja. I'm betting she trusts you enough to let you near her.
Jun. 6, 2016 @memphis wrote

Oh poor Big Bird! Not sure there is much you can do. It should grow back. cool is Ginger/Carmel's new home! Love that he's just a big "ole lapper. Not sure what to say about Penguin...hope he doesn't get invited to dinner.

Holm...I thought the pics of Mr. T were good....I don't think he can take a bad picture. He's so colorful!!

Feedman...your new bird is handsome. I'm still undecided about color....working on it! Smart to separate him from the other tom. Its too dang hot right now for that. I'm sure he's enjoying the company of the hens!!
Jun. 8, 2016 @memphis wrote

My SS are too rotund to get more than a couple feet off the ground. And they chatter, but it's just chicken talk. My Barnvelders scream at the top of their lungs before & after laying eggs. And my Australorps have a weird way of whining, loudly.

Dang it's hot down here. Daisy got in the baby pool. Guess there is only about 2-3 inches of water in it. After standing there for a few moments, she spread her wings out & gracefully laid down. Effectively blocking access to the pool for any other fowl. :rolleyes:
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