Tribute to @memphis and her Lapper turkeys

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Dec. 29, 2016 @memphis wrote

Ralph, I've often heard that about the Polish. The Yoko is beautiful. Are they game? Don't know much about them.

And Cuddles! So handsome! Boy does he have a comb! It looks good. And those waddles are amazing. I'm assuming his waddles would get wet when he drinks, do you have to protect them from frost bite too? How old is he now? How much does he weigh? Would love to see a body shot.
Dec. 31, 2016 @memphis wrote

Hardemans...being as Houston is hot & humid, even worse than is my best bit of advise for handling those hot summers...


Daisy has perfected her technique....
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Dec. 31, 2016 @memphis wrote

Yes MNnice, Daisy & Annie have two fans running in their pen 24/7 during the summer. Its so miserable here. In the dead of summer it usually never goes below 80 something even at night. And our humidity is off the charts. Just try to keep them comfortable. Its not unusual to find them napping in front of their fans. They may be spoiled.

R2elk...guineas sound tasty! need to give it a try. Guinea pot pies, guinea tetrazzini, guinea & noodle soup, guinea & dumplings. Endless possibilities! R2elk, you need to write a guinea cookbook! Seriously, think how many you could sell over on the guinea thread once breeding season hits! :lau
Dec. 31, 2016 @memphis wrote

Great shots Ralph! Judy must not be at home if they are congregating on the deck!
Raining here. Just noticed my two are sitting on my back porch.

Tell Coffee hi. Miss her posts.

R2elk, I have my grandma's recipes. Only problem is she would start writing them in English & finish in German. I think its great your working on your mom's recipes. There were things my mom made I wish I had the recipes for.

So...since your already tied up with a cookbook, next time someone complains about their mean guineas....just post a guinea pot pie recipe! (Obviously kidding....guinea folks would come after you with a fork!)

Feedman, that tom is gorgeous!
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