Turkey fell off slaughter truck- Rescued but needs help!

no corn!!
corn is to a bird like ice cream is to humans
he is already plenty fat
Liz, he's looking way better—but still concerned over how pale he is. Normally, I'd go with a table spoon or so of pink salmon morning and night, I haven't suggested it because of his weight and leg issues and the high level of protein it brings with it. What are your thoughts? Kathy, feel free to jump in here too.:confused:
Liz, he's looking way better—but still concerned over how pale he is. Normally, I'd go with a table spoon or so of pink salmon morning and night, I haven't suggested it because of his weight and leg issues and the high level of protein it brings with it. What are your thoughts? Kathy, feel free to jump in here too.:confused:
i agree he is looking waaaay better
i would be concerned with the fat content, we need something high-protein low fat low carb/sugar




i would like to see a little more pink but he's also really young
Liz, he's looking way better—but still concerned over how pale he is. Normally, I'd go with a table spoon or so of pink salmon morning and night, I haven't suggested it because of his weight and leg issues and the high level of protein it brings with it. What are your thoughts? Kathy, feel free to jump in here too.:confused:

his pale color could also be a circulation thing, because of his heart/weight
could also be a lighting trick
but turkeys color ranges so much its hard to say...
let me see if i can find some pics

He is pale which is concerning, but not nearly as pale as he appears in the pictures. It's the one heat lamp I have in there (a MVB - full spectrum UV - hanging high enough that it just keeps things warm under it, not directly over top of Sebastian!) - makes everything appear green in the photos. I'll post a pic tonight in regular light so you can check his actual color.

I'd be concerned with the salt content, maybe rinsed with fresh water?:confused:

I have heard scrambled eggs in this thread before and other places online - would that be a good idea?
He is pale which is concerning, but not nearly as pale as he appears in the pictures. It's the one heat lamp I have in there (a MVB - full spectrum UV - hanging high enough that it just keeps things warm under it, not directly over top of Sebastian!) - makes everything appear green in the photos. I'll post a pic tonight in regular light so you can check his actual color

Do you keep the light on at night?

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