Turkey fell off slaughter truck- Rescued but needs help!

I've been following your thread and pulling for Sebastian but didn't comment yet.
So happy things are moving in the right direction. He's lucky to have you and your girlfriend and It's obvious you truly love animals.
Hoping Sebastian has a long and healthy life with you!

Thank you for following! You can like the facebook page, too, which will give you more/different updates. I'll keep updating here, of course too though so it's not necessary!
Thank you for following! You can like the facebook page, too, which will give you more/different updates. I'll keep updating here, of course too though so it's not necessary!
I just shared Sebastian's FB page on my timeline and have invited several to follow the page. I have (I think) over 1000 friends on there, so hopefully he gets some coverage. :)

Great job with Sebastian!!
I just shared Sebastian's FB page on my timeline and have invited several to follow the page. I have (I think) over 1000 friends on there, so hopefully he gets some coverage. :)

Great job with Sebastian!!

Thank you!

Sebastian did well again overnight! Didn't see any bugs this morning either!


As you can see in the picture, he is DEFINITELY favoring his right side, constantly leaning like that. I wish I could get him x-rays but hopefully it heals up on its own. It doesn't seem too bad and he can flap/move it so it might just be bruised, too?
I am happy to report to everybody that a very thorough check tonight has revealed no maggots!!!!!!!

He got off relatively easy then. I just sprayed with the permethryn, some antibacterial saline solution and sealed it up with vaseline to see if any would come out to breathe. Then I sat back and ate some dinner while checking him out every 10 mins or so and nothing! So I changed his bedding, cleaned off his belly/vent area a little bit, and he got off real easy tonight! I'm not going to let my guard down and say the battle is won, because there is still a lot to do, but I really am getting optimistic!

Here's the big guy relaxing after NOT having to be poked and prodded for hours like last night:

The water has the Rooster Booster in it, and I've made a mash out of his food. He actually was pecking at it and eating a little! Tomorrow I'm going to mix in some eggs!

Thank you to everybody for their advice and help and kind words! I'm really feeling optimistic!
He is looking great!!

The best part? The big heap of rice I had. Really made the maggot search something special! Lol
:lau at least you have a good sense of humor about it!!

Thank you!

Sebastian did well again overnight! Didn't see any bugs this morning either!

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As you can see in the picture, he is DEFINITELY favoring his right side, constantly leaning like that. I wish I could get him x-rays but hopefully it heals up on its own. It doesn't seem too bad and he can flap/move it so it might just be bruised, too?
He looks way perkier! Good Job!! Turkeys can be super friendly dog-like pets
just keep spending time with him
Poor guy I sure hope he makes it. He looks comfortable in that little set up you have for him. He sure hit the lottery when you rescued him. Try some colloidal silver a few times a day with a dropper or just add it to his drinking water. Get him some gamebird feed and offer some fresh pumpkin and peas and maybe a little cracked corn too. I sure hope he pulls through.

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