twilight moms

I would like to say I read all the books (loved them) BEFORE watching any of the corny movies. Books were way better and I am a mid thirties gal who is NOT lusting over these actors! The books on the other hand were completely addictive entertainment.
well i can see that..i love reading and all but no, im talking about these crazy women who think they are teenagers again, somehow.
on a different subject..i still cant believe they put the twilight books on my sons reading list at school, for the 4th grade.
I read the books, they were ok. It was sort of like reliving my teen years and thoughts. But then I remembered that being 15 sucked and that makeup does wonders. When in real life a 20 something that is about the same size of me, hasn't seen sunlight in forever is not really attractive at all.
I wouldn't let my 4th grade daughter read those books! To much information I don't want to talk about just yet! I feel a little sorry for the "crazy women", it's a bit ridiculous to be infatuated with a character!
I liked the books... and I sorta liked the first movie... the second was ridiculous.

I'm not surprised about older women goin' for these boys... but it disgusts me a little, and yes, I'm agreed with those that say it's gross when men lust after women half their age as well.

I'm 24, so I'm "The same age" as "Edward".... but I'm sorry..... I don't find him attractive AT ALL! :hmm Does that make me weird? Not a big fan of the series. (I hope the older women who are in love with them find reality some day soon... but I guess that's why they like them... they don't like reality!)

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