UGLY Mexican Hen

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She is a Game and no if you want to keep that roo you have, keep them separate.

My Game hens are great layers. Except this winter they have always laid year round, but if it snows where you are, maybe they won't.

They're great where it's hot though.
Yeah unless she IS mixed I just noticed that myself. I have chicks out of mine that are mixed, but the feathers are tighter like the Games. That bird has some puffy feathering.
the seller promised w/out a doubt that these are hens. The last time i bought from him he said they were too little to know, like they were bread w/a rir hen crossed w/a barred rock...but no, they're a black sex link. I'm not going to get my blood pressure up by a few guys trying to get me upset that i bought roos again!
OK I just checked and I'm still not a guy. LOL

I am old though and the bird is back and shadowed. Hard to see her, so too bad there isn't a closer view for us old people. But the feathers do look loose enough. Never said it was a roo. I said none of my Game crosses have loose feathers. I guess if they were with one of my Ameraucanas, they might look a little poofy too. I'd actually like to see a better one of her. I like my Game crosses.

If you live where the weather is nice all year those girls should give you eggs all year.
What makes you think she's a roo? Loose feathers? The rooster jumped her so yes her feathers were loose.
. Ok manana i'll get a pic of all three. I haven't been able to find a sexing site for these chicks. They're 2 months he said.
If you scroll down the link i posted earlier to the Grey, she looks just like it. The roos are a different color.

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