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I have had one last week. They get acv for a week once a month and runs and coop are cleaned once a week. I didn't take her to the vet but I let her out on her own on the better grass at the weekend and just tried to keep her busy. I did think I was going to lose her she ate nearly nothing for two days. She started coming round mid week and is fine now. Back to pecking me!
Wow that is a lot of wrong end pips. Were the eggs posted to you? Do you have an auto turner?

No, that's the frustrating thing....I drove to collect the eggs and my RCom has an autoturner, which worked beautifully. The ONLY difference at my end, between this and previous hatches, was that I used an egg tray in the bator. It is the proper one, designed for this model, and it holds the eggs in place while the floor of the bator moves underneath the eggs. I marked the eggs with X and O so I could check and it was definitely turning all eggs an equal amount, every hour....maybe very slightly less than 180 degrees. Certainly not enough less to make a difference!

I candled the eggs the night before lockdown as I get up for work at 5am and knew I wouldn't have time to do it then. I turned the autoturner off at that point too. When I went to go into lockdown the following morning, at end of day 18, I turned the humidity up to 70% but I already had two pipped at that time, both wrong end and three days early!
You have a lovely setup. Alot better than mine.View attachment 1248705 View attachment 1248706 View attachment 1248707
I take them out when the weather is better and put them in a run on the grass. I hatched 18 last year. These are all I have left. Most were males and caused me no end of problems. So they had to go. It was a shame.
Thanks I fell in love with the eglu but yours is probably more practical as it involves a bit of crawling around on your hands and knees
I like the eglu because you can move it around alot easier. There quite expensive though. And I have a hen called omlet!!
Yeah it was but I looked at it as an investment as should last forever, mite free and can be pressure washed easily I have mine in a set place as i have a small garden so they are on wood chippings and straw in house
They are in the garage at the moment just for my benefit they were out all last year with no problems
Yeah it was but I looked at it as an investment as should last forever, mite free and can be pressure washed easily I have mine in a set place as i have a small garden so they are on wood chippings and straw in house
They are in the garage at the moment just for my benefit they were out all last year with no problems
Definitely alot easier to clean. And you can add sections to make more space. I always feel guilty that mine don't have enough space.:(

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