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Yeah - M and S is my preference for some things and the clientele is alot more civilsed than other places :)
I like certain things from certain places too. To be quite honest I shop at most of the supermarkets. Never do one big shop per week or month anymore. I’ve found with that not half as much gets chucked away.

Yeah - M and S is my preference for some things and the clientele is alot more civilsed than other places :)

:gig The posh brigade get a shock when me & Scott go in there because we’ve been known to go there in our scruff! Me stinking of horses/chickens & him in his shooting scruff including mucky wellies :oops:
:yuckyuck Way too posh for me in there! The woman down the street from me thinks she’s better than everyone else. She gets her “grocery” shop delivered from them. For effect I’m quite sure like Mrs Bucket!
Strange though when I see her car also parked in Aldi & Lidl carparks in town :lol:
Mmm.... snow forecast for this week. Is everyone ready?
Mmm.... snow forecast for this week. Is everyone ready? View attachment 1656759
We've been forecast snow of apocalyptic proportions. 10cm:eek: On high ground! So we may get a dusting!
I'm gonna have to get better prepared I think. I'll nip to co-op and buy as much bread and milk as possible and beans! I may get the ones with sausages in this time. The extra protein is good and the beans help with heating. I've gotta fill the car up, just in case I can't leave the house. Snow shovel, grit(I have half a bag left over from the big freeze of 2018), gloves, wooly hat, blankets. Extra water? Well I can melt the snow for that! Don't forget the extra chicken feed. Anything else? :lau

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