
What a nightmare
Sorry you are having to deal with that. I would be so MAD!
To me a stain is suppose to be absorbed into the wood and not sit on the top and peel away.

That's correct.

I'm guessing it's the stuff you put on first that caused the problem​
Bear Foot Farm it was a dry powder that we mixed up with water in a garden sprayer that was an inceticide and fungicide chemical.
It was what the log makers sent.
I read all the directions and even borrowed a moisture tester. Log moisture was below the 18%.

If that stuff was the cause then why is it peeling in spots instead of the whole log?

Been doing more research on the net. Hope to get this problem fixed and the house restained.
I'm tempted to start power washing the logs to get this stuff off, but I had better wait til I hear from the store owner in case the company rep wants to come out and look at it.
Bear Foot Farm it was a dry powder that we mixed up with water in a garden sprayer that was an inceticide and fungicide chemical

That was probably a Borax solution.

Maybe there was some oil or something on the wood before you got it, or it got on during assembly?

Anyway, I hope you get it figured out

I know that kind of stuff is frustating!​
Sounds like a compatibility issue. Back in the early 80's the auto companies all switched to a new paint for EPA reasons. They had compatibility issues between the paint and the primer. The result was all those cars you would see driving around with paint peeling off the top half. The body shop I worked for did warranty refinishing for GM. The cars had to be completely stripped then refinished.

Maybe the wood logs have been treated with something that lowered their porosity and the stain has nothing to bond with. There's a solution out there. Just wont be cheap. Never is.

Good luck though.
There are many different kinds of stain, from no pigment, to some pigment, to opaque (which has the most pigment).

We have had rather a lot of it peel - but the kind that can peel, is the kind that has more pigment in it.

In general, we found that certain brands of stain are really very poor quality and not terribly reliable.

HOWEVER, we also think that the condition of the wood is a factor. Yes, it's possible that dampness may be a factor in peeling, but a good many stains are designed to not be affected by moisture in wood.

The condition IS a factor. Very weathered wood, wood with a lot of sap in it, wood that has been treated with a water repellent chemical, all, we found, can peel badly.
These logs were fire killed and dry standing welsummerchicks.

I still think it's weird that I cannot get the stain off of my door, even with paint thinner.

Just really fustrating right now. I want to start stripping it and start over to protect the logs, but it is suppose to rain again.

Still got some of the log cleaner left over so I have that to clean them again when we strip them to re-do all of this again.

Thanks for letting me talk to you all about this. Just concerned because of all the money we put into this place and we would hate to see any of it damaged beyond repair.
Doesn't look like a penetrating stain. I think if it's not penetrating it needs a primer.

Don't they usually put that caulk like filler between the real logs?
Well here is an update.
I am still shaking my head over the whole deal.

Pretty much getting the run around from the store where we got the stain. Contacted the stain maker and talked to one of their guys. Talk about poor customer service. This guy got off on telling me we had done everything wrong. We should not have treated our logs with the Board Defense our log provider gave us because the stain will not adhere to the logs.
No kidding.
So since we did that they will not honor the warranty on the stain.

How nice.
Even more crazy I asked if the stain had the fungicide, insceticide like the Board Defense, nope but we are suppose to strip it off and re-do the whole thing every 13 Months! Got to be kidding me.

So I talked with the stores owner and he told me to come in and get this stain remover and they will make this all right with us. Went in and ended up forking out $96 for 4 jugs of the stuff.
Which needs to be put on undiluted and forget using the stiff bristled brush on it, it fluffed 2 of my logs. So I get to sand those 2 down. And it does not completely remove the stain no matter how long you leave it on.

Been a really depressing deal.

After much thought just going to get some crushed glass and blast the logs clean and wash my hands of Benjamin Moore stains and this shop.
Found a place online that sells the stuff we need and a local store is going to order us the stain our builder recommends. Our builder was just floored when I told him what had happened.

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