VA Beach woman ticketed for having chickens.


11 Years
Apr 25, 2011
I live near VA Beach, VA and I dont' know if anyone from our area has been following this case on . But apparently she is fighting the laws against keeping poultry in the city by saying that her 24 chickens are companion animals and are pets. That she is not trying to set up a slaughter house in the city. If anyone is interested or from Hampton Roads, VA and thinking about getting chickens I thought they like to hear about this battle.

Back in July she got Andy Schneider who does a radio talk show about the "Backyard Chicken Movement" to come to talk about the Backyard chicken movement.
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The Chespeake group "4 Chesapeake Hens" just got the city to pass the ordinance allowing six penned laying hens per yard city-wide. Hopefully that is a trend that will carry over to Va Beach. I guess the group will need to change their name to "6 Chesapeake Hens"!

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