Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Daiya Mozzarella style shreds is the best we've found - but keep in mind that most of them are really, really bad! I developed a taste for that one fairly quickly. And it does melt. Earth Fare and Whole Foods carry it.
Thank you.
Unfortunately I live in a small city that doesn't carry many vegan options but I'll see if I can find a place that ships online.

I have been a vegetarian for 7 years for the health of me and the welfare of animals.
Love your avatar.
EDIT: I said few dairy products, but I have actually removed all dairy, I don't support the dairy industry at all. Also I'm considering feeding the eggs back to the hens, as I won't be supporting the industry, And I think the chickens will benefit from the protein in their eggs. So yup, I'm vegan now. I was vegitarian first, then cut dairy and honey, so now it's only eggs left to cut out of my diet. I said humans were omnivores, but this isn't really true, you can live entirely off plant based foods, you can get all the nutrients you need. I only became vegan recently so that's why I've changed certain opinions, I'm learning things I never knew before. This video helped me a lot, I highly recommend it.

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Here in Wisconsin dairy is still a way of life, I'm an ex dairy farmer. It doesn't always have to be cruel. Many farmers love their animals and want the best for them. Large dairies like in California where they have thousands, we had 48, are ridiculous, especially since they run commercials about happy cows in a pasture, I don't think California has any pastures. Anyways not all dairy is obtained cruelly. We raise most of our own food. Have you tried raising your own meat?
The reason dairy farming is considered cruel is because the babies are taken away from their mothers so that the humans can take the milk. Of course there are some people who take much better care of their animals than others, but it's still cruel. We've never raised our own animals for meat, I have always loved animals and nature, and it didn't feel right to eat them when I had so many alternatives. But I can appreciate people who raise and kill their own animals, as I said the main issue isn't with the killing itself, It's the fact that it's killing on an industrial scale, and nobody has to get blood on their hands, because the animals are processed by machines. They don't get to enjoy their life, they don't get to scratch around in dirt, or raise chicks. They're just seen as meat and eggs. Once you've seen chicks blended alive in a giant grinder you can't enjoy your fried egg quite as much anymore. That's why we're going to be growing as much of our own food as we can, and raising our own chickens.
EDIT: I'm completely vegan now, we're still rescuing chickens but will feed them the eggs.
A vegan diet is the healthiest, most ethical diet possible.
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Many dairy cows lack motherly instincts, and many farmers keep the calves with the mom longer. We always kept the calves by the mom for a few days than moved them down to a pen with the other ones. Some moms would visit, most didn't care and would walk right on by. It has mostly been bred out and isn't cruel. Now beef cows are another story, they raise their calves and will defend them to death.

I'm okay with your decisions and thoughts, but I do think people should be educated and know what's going on in the industry. The chick grinding is disturbing, but no one wants to buy the rooster chicks. How else should they dispose of them. I've pondered it too. Gassing and suffocation are more cruel. People should buy straight run and deal with the rooster themselves, but no one wants too anymore, they want the blood on someone else's hands.

The people eating food who never produced it are the true enemy. They want it, and they want it cheap, than blame farmers for cruelly producing it. People need more respect for their food, and that others are doing all the work for them and all the do is demand it good and cheap. In our country 10% of the population produces food for everyone. That's crazy.

Anyways that's my high horse. Sorry not directed at you or anyone in particular. Things could be done better and more humane but things cost money and most farmers barely make a living, unless it's a corporate owned farm.

I see you live in Europe, so things are different everywhere. I think everyone can agree that things have gotten too industrialized and there's no respect for the food anymore. I'm happy when I hear someone wanting to be self sufficient. We all should grow some of our own food. Besides home grown tastes way better than store bought and just feels healthier.
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Good to see you Oldhenlikesdogs This is one of the threads I follow.
I totally agree with you.
There is a place here in GA where they take the little roosters and inject them with some sort of dna, virus --don't recall what. Anyway, after the virus incubates they withdraw the material and sell it to universities for research. The chicks are killed in the process. I told PETA about it and got no response. The people operating the company said the chicks were ground into dog food if they didn't use them. This is such a cruel world we humans have created

I lived in London for 10 years and that is where I first saw a documentary on factory farming. I was appalled. I believe they have come further in humane treatment than we have but I could be wrong.

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