Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Funny story, sometimes when I go visit people, I will get a glass of water to drink. They always ask if I want something to drink, I say, I got water. They say, yeah, but do you want something else to drink. I say I'm fine drinking water, they walk away perplexed. People can't even drink water anymore. That's my story.
Hmm here in europe sweeteners aren't used as much. I drink water all the time, feels so much healthier.
I'll add my 2 cents. The problem in the USA is that food is so cheap compared to the rest of the world--especially Europe. If we had to pay anything like they do elsewhere there would be riots. It's what keeps us quiet.
If we really want to save the world, and save humans we need to stop supporting these industries. A lot of people think vegan/vegetarian food is boring but that's rubbish. You can eat pasta, rice, potatoes, lentils, beans, grains, fruits, veg, nuts, seeds, plus you can get almond or soy products instead of dairy. And you can still eat pizza, bread, cakes etc.. which are vegan. I used to use the excuse that I could never change the world, but now I just try to do my part, and I'm trying to make the world better, even if I just make it a little bit better. There are so many alternatives now, and there's so much information on the web, if anyone is considering going veggi/vegan please do. Or at least raise your own animals. If you can't bring yourself to kill an animal then you shouldn't be eating it.
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also cows milk is for baby cows, not humans. It's not natural, causes all kinds of health issues and honestly it's pretty gross. And yes some people treat their animals better than others, but as I said it's not meant for humans. I also said I take issue with the industries and not necesarily the killing of animals in itself, but I don't believe this 100%. Veganism is the ultimate diet. It's cruelty free, healthy and natural. I also want to clarify that when I said extreme vegans being against egg eating, I'm pretty against it too, as natrualky hens would only lay about 15-20 eggs a year, and would hatch and raise chicks, but they have been bred to produce 300+ eggs a year which is very unnatrual. I may eat the eggs our hens and quail lay, but then again I'm thinking of just feeding it back to them so they can get the protein. We're also keeping them free range, and with both sexes, I think keeping just hens is unnatrual, and I am against keeping lights on them to make them lay all year round. Raising your own animals is still far better than supporting the industry, but veganism is the best option.
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You must be right about cow milk being bad for people. My family members all drank a lot of it throughout their whole lives and most of them are dead now. Milk must be a slow poison though. It took over 90 years for it to do them in. One of my cousins, who is an avid milk drinker, is still alive at 103 but I'm sure the milk will be the end of her before too much longer..
Would you drink cat milk? ape milk? 75% of people are lactose intollorant, There is so much research out there which clearly shows how unhealthy it is. Not to mention how cruel it is, and how bad it is for the enviroment. I have a link to a vid on my profile, You could also watch cowspiracy, earthlings, or many other talks. There are many, many healthy, cruelty free alternatives to milk, affordable alternatives. I apologise for any spelling mistakes, I am on mobile and it is 5:10 am.
Would you drink cat milk? ape milk? 75% of people are lactose intollorant, There is so much research out there which clearly shows how unhealthy it is. Not to mention how cruel it is, and how bad it is for the enviroment. I have a link to a vid on my profile, You could also watch cowspiracy, earthlings, or many other talks. There are many, many healthy, cruelty free alternatives to milk, affordable alternatives. I apologise for any spelling mistakes, I am on mobile and it is 5:10 am.
I drink milk and eat cheese, I personally don't think it cruel, I've been a dairy farmer, and cruel is a relative term. You can state what you believe, that's okay, but again I don't like misinformation, have you gone to a dairy farm, or a goat dairy farm to see what it's actually like? I personally don't like vegan extremist and the shows they create, but everyone is entitled to their opinion and the ability to choose their own path.

I drank milk daily as a kid, fresh out of the cow, unpasteurized and still warm and foamy. When I was a kid people weren't lactose intolerant or had all the allergies they do now, being overweight was an oddity. Things have changed over the years, but not for the better.
It is cruel. That's fact. My sister is going to uni to study veterinary science and had to go to farms to get experience with animals. I went with her many of these times, and even in the farms where the farmers took good care of their animals, they still had to separate the mother from the baby at a very young age, and there is no nice way of doing that. I have also been to pig farms, and I will never forget the things I saw, heard and smelt.
There is nothing extreme about caring, nothing extreme about not wanting to consume the breast milk of another animal. People have always been lactose intolerant.
Lactose intolerance is when the body does not produce enough lactase to break down lactose, a sugar found in milk and many other milk derived dairy products.
The enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose is lactase, an enzyme found on the wall of the intestines. Lactase breaks down lactose (the sugar found in milk) into galactose and glucose. The activity of lactase becomes reduced after breastfeeding, at that point the body no longer needs as much lactase. Not to mention a human mothers milk is much different from the milk of a cow.
The reduction of lactase activity after infancy is a genetically programmed event. Approximately 75 % of Earths population is lactose intolerant for a reason, because it’s perfectly natural.
The statistics vary from race to race and country to country but overall they show an abnormal amount of individuals who qualify. In some Asian countries, 90 percent of the population is lactose intolerant.
I do not mean to bully, I'm not trying to be mean, I just want to help educate people.

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