Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Yes. I read every label of food I buy. It takes awhile but once you know what products don't you don't have to reread those each time. However, if your product says new formula you must check the ingredients again. I've found many times the new formula will have meat in it

Ok. Sounds like I have a lot of studying to do.
YES! I Am Amazed at what Has Geletain,Glycerin,ECT!

Why, The other day i found out that Lunchables cheese pizza CRUST Has Glycerin. Always Have To be on the look out.

PLUS: Calling all cocoa Loving Vegetarians: Some Marshmellow CREME Is Clean to eat!!!!!
And its a Life Saver!
Not a vegetarian, but my husband and I don't eat a lot of meat and also eat a lot of vegetarian specific dishes. I work a full-time day job, and he works a full-time night job plus has classes, so our typical weekly menu is more restricted than we used to be able to pull off.

Work Days-
Fruit over cereal pretty much every work day for me
Rare weeekends when my husband and I are both awake-
Dutch babies topped with lemon juice and fruit
Sheep milk ricotta pancakes (an airy and sweet imported ricotta that is actually the same price as typical grocery store ricotta) topped with a light spread of sour cream, lots of raspberries cooked until juice forms, and powdered sugar
Field Roast smoked apple sage vegan sausages

Green tea waffles with real maple syrup (I'm proud to say I converted my husband from Mrs. Buttersworth)
Farina with honey
Crepes with lingonberry preserves
My husband eats various squirrel cereals and breakfasts that I just can't do. Granola and grains and nuts and fruit and such

Work Days-
Hello frozen meals
Yogurt, and lots of it. Noosa and Bulgarian are my top favorites. My husband makes great yogurt, but hasn't had time lately
Sprouted almonds

Various flat bread sandwiches
Chick peas roasted with garlic and bay leaves with some tahini drizzled over it

Work Days-
Leftovers, previously prepared meals, quick meals, bean tacos with spinach instead of lettuce
Lentil dishes
Veggies in a green tea and honey broth with green tea soba noodles and dipping sauce on the side and tahini and spinach wrapped rice balls
Grilled and stuffed portobellos
Dinner crepes with a creamy mushroom/mustard/tarragon sauce with finer ciders on the side
Pasta tossed with asparagus, any melting cheese, and morel mushrooms
Veggie fajitas with cactus instead of meat

Tricolore (avocado, tomato, water buffalo mozzarella, balsamic vinegar, pepper, olive oil) The fats in the avocado, oil, and cheese help your body process more nutrients from the tomato

Those are some of our more common veggie food
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Yah, Glycerin is often made from non-animal sources. Also, some ready made 'fruit gels' in the market are made from carageenan and not gelatin. If you ever want jello, I make 'jello' from agar-agar. Hmm. I should make some of that, now that I think of it.

As for daily diet.. mine changes a lot. I usually have oat bran with vegan protein powder for breakfast (made from non soy plant sources, although I'll use whey if I'm out of the fancy stuff).. Sometimes I'll have protein pancakes - egg whites/highprotein flour/blueberries.

Snacks are fruit, sometimes homemade greek yogurt.. Or both.

Lunch if I am at work is generally a wrap with a WW tortilla, veggies, maybe some quorn or meat sub.. Fruit or a homemade muffin for dessert.. Sometimes I'll just end up with a frozen amy's dinner if I'm running late.

I have a protein shake after workouts.. 38g protein, for those counting.

Dinner.. Varies, but maybe veggies with a little pasta and a protein source - beans/quinoa/meat analog.. greek yogurt for dessert. Or if it's late, I'll have the protein pancakes.
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So you make your own protein pancakes. Do you eat wheat pasta?

Yah, my diet is kinda weird - I lost 50 pounds about 8 years ago doing body for life, so my diet is kinda still oriented towards the 'bodybuilding' side of things. I no longer do hardcore BFL, but I got kinda used to some of the food so that's where the protein pancakes/shakes/powder in the oats comes from.

I buy special pasta, called fibergourmet. If I didn't have that, I like WW pasta or brown rice or barley for my carbs. I also use shirataki, but they are rather unpalatable unless mixed with veggies and other things. Ezekiel bread for bread, or latortilla WW tortillas. Oh, and I love natural peanut butter. mmmmmm..

I rarely eat tofu (everyone thinks veggies love tofu!) - maybe in a soup or in a scramble, but not too fond of it. I do make Seitan ('meat' made out of wheat gluten), but cannot STAND tempeh (fermented soy).
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Is the marshmallow creme dessert? Do you put it on top of something?

the non gelatin stuff is that marshmallow fluff that comes in a jar. I'm not really sure what you'd do with it, but it's veggie friendly. You can also buy veggie marshmallows at health food stores, but they are $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ so I've never tried them. I think they are called 'dandies' and they wanted $8 for a small bag. Forget it, I'll pass!

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