Video of Candling- 10 days


13 Years
May 10, 2010
I decided to take a video of my egg candling at 10 days along.

This is a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte.

Sorry the focus isn't the best, but I think it's so neat to see it wiggling around in there.
Normally, I really want to candle a ton, but this time around, I've been so busy that it's been easy to not do it as often.

I have 2 week old chicks, and they're way more interesting than candling eggs.

My daughter is selling girl scout cookies, so we've been doing that (she wants to sell 1,000 boxes this year. YIKES!!!!)

I'm a realtor, and I have a closing tomorrow, so I've been busy with the last minute details.

I sit on a couple of parent boards at my kids' schools, so I've had some meetings with that, along with a couple days devoted to testing.

I decided to make a kaleidoscope quilt for my son, so that's also been a timesuck.

Plus, I swore off sugar for the month of January, so I've been fighting rage and withdrawals. It's been distracting.

Oh, and I have four kids at four different schools, so life in general is chaotic.
Chuckle....and I thought my life was hectic! Our first hatch in several years, and I stop to read the thermometer every 4 minutes when I'm at home.
Thanks for posting the video- very cool to see! Do you see that much movement with all yours?
We have 23 BLRW eggs in a borrowed incubator right now on Day 4. We candled a few with a
LCD flashlight in a dark closet, but can't make out anything yet.

Normally, I really want to candle a ton, but this time around, I've been so busy that it's been easy to not do it as often.

I have 2 week old chicks, and they're way more interesting than candling eggs.

My daughter is selling girl scout cookies, so we've been doing that (she wants to sell 1,000 boxes this year. YIKES!!!!)

I'm a realtor, and I have a closing tomorrow, so I've been busy with the last minute details.

I sit on a couple of parent boards at my kids' schools, so I've had some meetings with that, along with a couple days devoted to testing.

I decided to make a kaleidoscope quilt for my son, so that's also been a timesuck.

Plus, I swore off sugar for the month of January, so I've been fighting rage and withdrawals. It's been distracting.

Oh, and I have four kids at four different schools, so life in general is chaotic.
Believe me, I understand busy.

I'm a payroll manager and just got out 3,000+ W-2's.

I have my chickens, chicks, eggs, 5 alpacas, 4 dogs, cat, 25 finches (including new hatchling), chameleons, geckos, 60+ vivariums of tropical frogs, 12 sheep, plus 3 new lambs and the one bummer lamb they rejected. He's living in the hall bathroom and I'm bottle feeding him.

And...........I'm leaving Saturday for a one week trip and need to have everyone squared away for the "pet" sitter. I have to go on the trip or my husband says he never gets any of time!

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Nice video it is really neat to be able to see some of what is going on inside of the eggs!!. We candled ours last night and could see movement in all but 3. It's really exciting. Our first hatch on January 13th was via a broody hen and never got to see movement with that one. Now we have some in the incubator and can see movement in most of them. I really did a stupid thing last night while candling. The lid of the incubator slipped and cracked two of the eggs, we were at day 7 and thankfully the two that the lid hit and cracked didn't have a developing chick inside. I got really lucky... now though, I have yolk on the floor of the incubator so we'll see what happens with that. The maker of the incubator states to just leave it and continue with the other eggs... Wish me luck!
Good grief girl!!! Your "busy" makes my "busy" look like corpse immitation. LOL Question, when you candle do you hold the egg pointy side up or down?? They go in the bator pointy side down right?

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Good grief girl!!! Your "busy" makes my "busy" look like corpse immitation. LOL Question, when you candle do you hold the egg pointy side up or down?? They go in the bator pointy side down right?


You are so funny!!!

Deb, I have to admit I'd be a nervous wreck leaving all those animals with a sitter. I'm sure they'll be fine, but I'd still worry.

Yes, I saw that much movement in each of the eggs. Since the egg is a pale brown, it's easier to see. When I candle, I put the fat side down. I cup it in my hand, and hold a bright LCD with the bottom of my hand.

Here's a pic of how I do it, but with my hand slightly open, so you can see how it's set up:

And then, once it's all clamped down, and how it actually looks when I candle.

Hope this helps.

ETA: I have a brinsea mini advance, so eggs are set on their sides.
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Okay. Thanks for the help. :) I was worried about candling cuz I knew the air sac was in the larger end so when I saw your video I was wondering if that was the way or not. I didn't want to hurt the eggs. But if your bator is set up with them on their sides then that makes sense.

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