Virtual pet cemetary

GOMER my sweet Bantam ROO eagle got him

I rescue chicks from Tractor Supply....
The first year we moved out was a Barred Rock who was being trampled and his leg was smashed under a feeder. They were going to take him into the back and "stomp" on him...I protested and they gave him to me for free. I took him home, I was nursing him back to health. I think I was up for a week straight with that bird. I know I didn't get much sleep. With his crippled leg he couldn't get to the food or water very well...he kinda did this break dancing thing going around and around. So he would scream when he was hungry and I would hear him. I got to the point where I was so paranoid he was screaming, that was all I could hear when the TV or any other noise was on... He started getting better, he was learning to stand up on his own (I made him a little brace) And he could take a couple steps. I did however notice that his spots weren't correct...they were off to the side and where they shouldn't be. My theory is, when he started growing his internal organs were much like his spots and this caused problems...I don't know...just my theory. Little Baby Beepers (Beepity Beep) died in my hands in the bandana he always slept with. He's buried in the back yard...RIP Beepers! I love you!

This year, I found a chick who's beak was ever so slighty (hardly could tell) crooked. The man didn't want to let me have her. The thought in my mind was that it was crooked enough that someone wouldn't choose her....or if they did and something did happen, they wouldn't give her a chance. So I got mad and paid for 3 chickens just to get her because they have their 6 chick policy and I had bought 6 the day before...guh...stupid jerk stupid jerk stupid jerk. We took Penelope (Penelopeep!) home and put her with everyone else. (Silkies, Seabrights, OEGB, Mille Fleur, Australorps) At that time, she was bigger than everyone else, she was an Ameracauna. She was going to be such a beautiful grey buff color...I was looking forward to seeing her thrive....I tried for 9 weeks...the bantams had outgrown had the Australorps. Her beak went crazy over night it seemed, completely slack jawed. sad She got to a point where eating dry food was no longer an about 10 times a day, either I or my Mom would make her a wet mash and she would spend the majority of her day trying to eat. She was a very happy, social, friendly, loving bird. She liked coming in the house with us when it was her bed time so she could fall asleep on our laps. She enjoyed bath time, which she needed often due to the constant slinging of wet food and how she had to put her whole head in to get a mouth full. I called so many vets...they all treated her case as "It's just a chicken, get over it." No matter what I was willing to pay or didn't matter... So at 9 weeks, I took her to the vet in town and had her put down...I made her a beautiful coffin, lined it with the prettiest fabrics I had in the house. I came to this decision because she was so thin...not growing...she had her feathers and a lot of skin...but no meat on her little bones. It was amazing to me that she could fly out of the box to greet me or do half of the things she did being so weak. She loved us and we loved her....she's buried next to Beepers. RIP my sweet Penelope!
1) My dog Gator! I grew up with him, and one day we took him to the vet because his foot was injured. The vet overdosed him with wormer!
The vet gave him a shot in the butt, 2 shots in the leg, some by mouth, and more! He died within an hour of coming home.
It's hard for an 8yr old (me back then) to accept that her handsome, sweet, caring, protector is dead!

2) My other dog Roscoe! He was my BABY! He was healthy, happy, and growing like a weed! He would follow me around the yard for attention. In the first three weeks we had him, he learned: sit, stay, leave it, come, down, etc., etc... Then one day he got sick all of a sudden, he died 2 days later.

3) My hen Lady! I found her dead under her favorite tree. She was very beautiful in her life time. And she was my first chicken.

Gator, Roscoe, and Lady: You will all be missed very dearly!!!
Goodbye my precious Baby, the most perfect gorgeous lionhead rabbit ever to walk the earth! You are the reason Cleopatra and Pedigree will never receive dry rabbit food from me again, ever since you choked on that fateful thursday morning. Every time I thick of your untimely death it brings tears to my eyes, you have touched everyone who knew you, even my father, who routinely threatened to make a purse out of you. I will never forget you, RIP.
my best friend of 19 years, Sam. I lost her one week before Christmas this past year. She was my very very best friend in the world. She was with me over half of my life. When I was sad, she sat on my lap and licked my hand with her rough tongue. When I cried, she would try to cheer me up. She knew when I was upset or hurting and she always always did anything she could to help me feel better. When I was happy, she would cling to my shoulder and purr in my ear, rub her little pink nose on my face. When I slept, she was always at my head on my pillow with me. No matter what, she was always with me at night. When I traveled out of state for a few months, she was right there along side me. Rode in my truck with me and sat on the arm rest in her little pink bed. When I baked, she always sat on a stool right beside me at the counter and would lick the beeters. she sat on my lap at the table a lot and hid beneath the table so my husband wouldnt see her waiting for scraps. (he knew... I am sure)

I am finding it so hard to live without my Sammy cat. My life seems so empty and cold. I still come home everyday and look for her at my door when I walk in. 5 months later and I am still buying catfood at the grocery store not thinking. I still cry at night when I go to bed and she is not there. I wake up in the middle of the night and roll over to put my arms around her and pet her. My life has changed so much without her.

I had her creamated, and she is in a very special wooden box right next to her stray brother that i lost a few months prior to that. She is still next to my bedside with me. I never thought a cat would become so personal and special to me. I never thought it would hurt so badly. I cry as I write this still, 5 months later. I know she is with me, i know she watches over me everyday, but my heart still yearns to hold her, smell her familiar Sammy smell when I nuzzled her neck, and have her comfort and loving meows.

My little angel cat I miss you, I love you, and I will NOT forget you. Someday you will be in my arms again. ...someday.





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RIP Blu. I miss you so much. I could never have asked for a better dog. The first time I had ever heard of your breed and because of you I love Catahoulas. I wish I could have been there for you in finale days. A year and a half later, I still cry when I visit your grave.


RIP Reggie the Vampire Rooster. You were weird and freaked my cousin out when hung upside down at night, but I'll miss you. You died protecting the hens from a rattle snake and I could never have asked for a braver rooster.

RIP Spot, RJ, and their two unnamed hens. No worries boys. The horse put a hurtting on that dog.

RIP Whistler and Godzilla. I have no idea what happened to you two, but I miss both of you. It was hard on me to never see my cats again.

RIP Daisy May. You were psychotic, but we loved you anyway.

RIP Danny. You tore my arm apart, but dad really misses you and I hate seeing him sad.

RIP Bud, War Lord, Tara, Pooh Bear. I miss you all.

RIP Fuzzball. I never got to see what kind of cat you'd grow up to be.

RIP Rocky. You were such a sweet flying squirrel.

RIP Kai. I will never again own a rabbit. You were awesome and made us all laugh.

RIP to all the chicks I have lost.

I know there are more, but while I remember their names, I don't remember much about them.
I have so many... Two of my original six hens died while I was at college, Tenders died November 3rd, my birthday, and Butterball in April. Patty and Pot Pie died as chicks, Queenie was my first bird to die, an original six that broke her neck in the coop somehow, and Noodle died from heatstroke. Popcorn was my baby and died from a blockage in her gut. By the time we got her to someone that could help she was too far gone and died in my arms before she was a year old. She was my favorite and survived horrible seizures as a chick. She had small ones until the week she died but had never seemed to suffer for it. The worst happened not two days ago. RIP Honey, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Sugar, Spice, Basil,Thyme, Salt, and Pepper, who were murdered at a month and a half old when a raccoon unlatched their small coop after only a week of living in it. Said raccoon is now dispatched, any other in the area to follow.

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