Viva Las Vegas!

if you did not want to say somthing to them in person so there is no bad blood between ya I would write them a letter letting them know there rooster is not allowed in city limits and that they need to bring him inside there own home at night and not let him out till moring or else you will have no choice but file a complaint.

its people like that who cause probloms for chicken owners as people start to get ticked off and want to ban them all.

It's also people like that who make it hard for people who want to legitimately keep chickens to get approved.....

That's the truth on both counts!
muckmuck - thinking of your chickens during this rain storm was worried they may have gotten washed away again hope all was good for you and everyones chickens during this city wide down pour.

My birds where in side but poor lilly wanted to lay her egg so bad she ran out in it then got stuck under tree crying for me to come get her so I did thank good cuz i relized the chicken run drain into the alley was blocked and the water had rissen up to there door so I had to get that unpluged after getting lilly back inside the house and now i know what I will be doing tommrow :)
muckmuck - thinking of your chickens during this rain storm was worried they may have gotten washed away again hope all was good for you and everyones chickens during this city wide down pour.

My birds where in side but poor lilly wanted to lay her egg so bad she ran out in it then got stuck under tree crying for me to come get her so I did thank good cuz i relized the chicken run drain into the alley was blocked and the water had rissen up to there door so I had to get that unpluged after getting lilly back inside the house and now i know what I will be doing tommrow :)
Thanks for your concern, all is well this time around! The water only got about 20' onto the property before my Daughter in Law and Karen got the storm drain cleared out.

muckmuck - thinking of your chickens during this rain storm was worried they may have gotten washed away again hope all was good for you and everyones chickens during this city wide down pour.

My birds where in side but poor lilly wanted to lay her egg so bad she ran out in it then got stuck under tree crying for me to come get her so I did thank good cuz i relized the chicken run drain into the alley was blocked and the water had rissen up to there door so I had to get that unpluged after getting lilly back inside the house and now i know what I will be doing tommrow :)

Me too! I even searched my phone for your number Max (unsuccessfully
don't know why I didn't save that) because I wanted to make sure you're all right! So glad you were able to take care of the storm drain. Blocked storm drains seem to be most of the problem in the areas that get flooded. Well, that and lots of water! Lol! I saw a bunch of that on my way home from work just off Nellis and Stewart. It was terrible! The playground, basketball courts and field at the school I'm subbing at are completely under water. Terrible drainage! My school room door faces the courtyard so the students had a front row seat for the downpour. Student after student asked to go to the bathroom just so they could get a closer look. Lol! It was a good day to teach the water cycle...should have focused on precipitation instead of evaporation though!

cary1973 I'm so glad you got your Lilly to safety! What a relief to find the problem before the birds got hurt! Like I said, it's the blocked drains that seem to be the main thing.
quick question for everyone.
As luck would have it our only silkie egg that hatched is a roo hes old enough to crow now.

Would anyone like a silkie roo his name is Lucky and I would like him to go to a good home.

He is a bearded white silkie very pretty.

just let me know or txt me at 7028129481

whatthecuck - Did you find a home for Lucky - the Silkie? Let me know - I can check with someone I know that might take him.

Meanwhile, I have some chicks of my own that have "turned into" roosters. I had 12 FBCM eggs - only 6 hatched - only 2 are girls!!! I only have one of those roosters left if anyone's interested - he's very tame and gentle... Also, have some FBCM mixed with Ameraucana, and one little banty - most are fairly tame - some more than others...

I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to find them good homes.... I may have to resort to CraigsList this weekend - they are all crowing now and I don't want to get turned in! :(

Thanks everyone!
whatthecuck - Did you find a home for Lucky - the Silkie? Let me know - I can check with someone I know that might take him.

Meanwhile, I have some chicks of my own that have "turned into" roosters. I had 12 FBCM eggs - only 6 hatched - only 2 are girls!!! I only have one of those roosters left if anyone's interested - he's very tame and gentle... Also, have some FBCM mixed with Ameraucana, and one little banty - most are fairly tame - some more than others...

I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to find them good homes.... I may have to resort to CraigsList this weekend - they are all crowing now and I don't want to get turned in! :(

Thanks everyone!

Oh! Where did you get your FBCMs? As for your boys - check with the feedstore on Nellis. Sometimes they will buy roosters/hens for like $5 each. Those chickens will most likely be eaten by someone else....just to let you know. If you're interested anyways, go to our community page and you'll find the address/phone number there. We process ours...if we let them grow out enough. I just can't afford the feed it takes to grow out the boys. Not when I can usually tell pretty quickly which is what.

Good luck!!!

P.S. Which part of town are you in? I wanted to list you on the community page but I didn't know where to post you.
Going to get my girls back! This Friday I'll be heading to Utah to cart the chickens home again. I'm so excited to have them back. I've missed them very much. It's so quiet here without them. Boring, even. Wish I could bring the cool weather back with me as well. I hatched out loads of chicks this year and have almost 20 little pullets to grow out. I will be sharing a good portion of those with a friend so that I can keep some of my girls hatched out last year and keep my total chicken count within reason.,,,ish!
glad you are going to have your girls back now that i have my feathered babies I cant imagin life with out them you must post pics when you get them settled
It is hard!

Unfortunately my car stalled out literally just out of town (in UT) and we had to leave it and the chickens until this next weekend. Boo! I was so sad to leave them yet again. I'm trying to tell myself that it's for the best, it gives me more time to get ready here. I don't think that line of thought is gonna work with the car. I hate my car! I'm tired of throwing good money away. It only works for 3-6 months at a time and then spends the rest of the year in the driveway...until it's time to re-register, then I get it fixed, and the cycle starts all over again. I am glad I was able to make it over the mountain though. There's no cell reception up there and I would have been in big trouble.

See? I'm still trying to find the good! I was able to take some pictures of the aspen and oak changing colors up there. I love taking photos with the lava fields in the shot. It's such a beautiful contrast. Also, I got some beautiful ones of Duck Creek Pond, which by the way, actually had loads of ducks. I love Cedar Mountain in Dixie National Forest! Sadly, many trees died from a bark beetle invasion several years back and so there is dead fall everywhere. They have removed a lot but not enough. It makes it kind of dangerous too. Well, I've always worried about falling rocks, now we just get to add falling trees to the list, not to mention deer, antelope, elk and other critters trying to race you across the road. It is not a place I like to drive at night! They also had a good sized wildfire up on the mountain this summer. Luckily you can see very little burn from the road. And they have a few sections of road that have been plagued by mudslides that literally wipe out the road. A few years back they had a very wet winter and the snow melt was causing flooding everywhere. When we came back over the mountain from a visit we noticed that one of the overlook pullout places had simply dropped off. It was there when we came and gone when we left. Yikes! You can see what's left of Navajo Lake in a few of the shots too.

Just click on the photos to see a larger image....

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duck creek love that place we have property up at Najoh lake estates my dad and daughter and dog spend the summers up there I almost sent the chickens too to get them out of the heat glad I did not as they had a bear come by and say hi one night.

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