Was looking for a lost goose


11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
west Michigan
Our chickens are about 13 weeks old, and we've been watching them to see if there were any roosters that were accidentally snuck into the batch of hens that we bought. So far, no clues as to what's what in that department. But, a few days ago, while sitting on the patio with my coffee, the girls were clucking around me on the grass, looking for tasty treats, and all of a sudden I heard "Honk!" Very near me. I looked around, but all I saw were my girls. Later that day, I heard it again, and could have sworn that there was a goose in the hen house. We have NO geese. Went to look, and there sat 3 of the girls, looking at me very innocently. Then that evening, while putting them up for the night I heard the sound again, "Honk!" right next to me. There was one of my girls, one that has always looked a little bigger than the others, and whose coloring is a bit different. RIR, but with some black mixed into the wing feathers. Could this be a rooster trying to figure out how to crow? Or just a hen with allergies?
We've heard our girls do the Honk thing also.

First few times that it happened I figured that our land-lady's geese had come to check out our flock. Looked all over and no geese. I really thought I was going crazy.

Finally Skip/doc_gonzo busted one of the girls making the noise while he was visiting with them. Whew!

We've had no health issues with our flock so I suspect it's just a noise that they make.

When our boys began crowing or trying to crow, it sounded more like someone being strangles than a crow.

I haven't thought about supplying grit as they free range and the soil around our place is mainly sand, so I hope that's sufficient. Glad to hear that someone else has had the same experience tho, thought I'd go nutz looking for that goose.

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