Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

14 eggs set. Here's hoping that Louie has been doing his job.

I'll be setting mine tomorrow. I have six eggs I want to hatch for myself to keep, but since I have to run the incubator, I might as well fill it up, right? The chicks will hatch the weekend before Easter so I'm hoping I can sell most of them during the first week.

Egg entries:

It is extremely noisy to the point that you need to set you cell on vibrate & HOPE you feel it.
It is NOISY.
And please tour each row, as each row is another breed/variety.
Sales areas are posted (usually) and the pics I have posted above are of 2 different poultry shows, so take them as such.

Thanks for posting this - it gives a good idea of what to expect. Maybe earplugs are in order?
How are you feeling @Chickielady ? I hope you aren't overdoing it...
Thanks for posting this - it gives a good idea of what to expect. Maybe earplugs are in order?
How are you feeling @Chickielady ? I hope you aren't overdoing it...
I am probably over doing it, but that is the way I am.
Doc's post surgery rules say "activity as tolerated", but no "heavy " lifting...and I still have 2 50# sacks of feed in the van, a week now...............


So, by the time the day is running down, I am exhausted...been sleeping from 8PM to 8 Am...alot of sleep for me !
I will take daylight savings very hard !

I guess I better start setting the alarm or I'll never be able to get up at 4:30 to get to Monroe saturday on time to coop in.
I am behaving today though, I have our hired son here to d chores !
Quick question, BYC buddies!

I already have chickens in my suburban backyard, but I've thought about adding a small coop of quail for meat and eggs.

Just enough quail to have a good supply of meat and eggs.

Is this idea worth exploring? How many should I start with?

I've heard conflicting things about keeping quail with chickens, so I'd probably keep them in their own coop?

Breed suggestions for high turnover while still having decent meat size for quail?

I wouldn't want too many of them. =)
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Quick question, BYC buddies!

I already have chickens in my suburban backyard, but I've thought about adding a small coop of quail for meat and eggs.

Just enough quail to have a good supply of meat and eggs.

Is this idea worth exploring? How many should I start with?

I've heard conflicting things about keeping quail with chickens, so I'd probably keep them in their own coop?

Breed suggestions for high turnover while still having decent meat size for quail?

I wouldn't want too many of them. =)

I think a small rabbit hutch works best for quail (a tall one AWAY from the chickens)
I would get 4-5 coturnix....(and a roo?)
rule is 1sq foot each
JUMBO quail get 'big'
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acquired an old unwanted kitchen cabinets then they sat in the barn till we thought I was going to burn it. Then on the way to the fire DW said that's the new nest boxes. So there you have it, free nest boxes.
I have Mr. Black mourning the loss of his beloved lady, Little Black, both black banty cochins. And so fluffy and cute. He is so lonely and sad. I promised him some time ago I would find him a new wife and put up notices, but nothing so far. Anyone have a nice little lady (or two or three plus) they can part with? I don't know if he is picky about color, I don't know if a different color would seem like his flock. Anybody know about that? She can be retired and not laying, not going for breeding, just want to have a happy little family. I live in Arlington but may be able to drive a ways for the right girl.
Thank you
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