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Depending on where in the state you live, there are live stock auctions in Chehalis and Enumclaw(and probably other places that I'm not aware of).
If crowing is a problem, you can always have them caponed and grow them up as a meat bird.
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You did WHAT??? You read all 43K+ posts??? Whoa... They should give you the BYC Dedication Award!!! That's truly amazing!

ya took me a good while ugh but I did it

Had to get all the backstories!! And, it was a learning experience...people seem to be such good friends here...I love it
Well nothing like last minute change of plans. I called this am and found out that the recording at the scrap yard is wrong so YES we will be in the junkin truck (white flat bed). Speaking of I guess we should be leaving about now. Just got a txt from jbear and she is running a wee late but en-route. I have the kennel loaded for broody hope she feels better and is there.

OK on the road toad.
Oh how fun! Congrats and happy hatching!!!


Pictures too!!

So far only one is out, but there are several more pips. You can't count on them until they're out of the shell, and maybe not then.
Just popping in for a quick hello!

Today is the Snohomish Country 4-H Poultry Program car wash & bake sale fundraiser at Del's in Monroe from 10-4.
We'll be there for the afternoon shift!
Hope everyone that can comes by to get their car all shiny for this summer weather!!!

Two live chicks so far. I found a dead chick under Carmen. She'd stepped on it yesterday. It looks like she picked off the broken shell this morning. It wasn't quite ready, and bled out. I took the other two eggs away, and put them in the incubator. I didn't want her "helping" any others.

Actually, there was another eggs that might be an early quitter, or might be delayed because of Ginger's erratic sitting. I left it under Carmen. If it develops, fine. If it doesn't, that's okay, too.
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