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Originally Posted by Stumpfarmer

OK, baby pictures, right?
Today's baby girl, out of a blue roan Shorthorn/Angus f1 cow and the little roan Shorthorn bull I bought last spring:
In other news, we drenched the sheep with the same Valbizen the cattle got on Saturday, and I got three Hamburg, three EE and three Wyandotte eggs. The only nonparticipant was the broody Australorp.
Speaking of whom: do all broodies poo in their feed dishes, or is that her specialty?

Oh this picture is so adorable!!!

Sorry to say - think that is your broody's specialty - ours has never even pooed in her coop - but when she emerges you'd think there was a great dane in our yard from the piles she leaves!
welcome to all the newbies! I'm loving all the chick pictures =) It's so hard to keep up now that it's spring!

Kim H - you're awesome to help Ron with his worming!

CL - when should you worm chicks?

Hope it gets sunny today!
Scruffy, ugly things at this stage huh?
Please please please let Martha be a girly, we love her so!

Yes they are! They have that "cute, ugly" look. Thanks for letting me know your "Americaunas" from Reber Ranch are the biggest in your flock. That was really worrying me with ours. Knowing that makes me feel much better. Mine looks a lot like yours - just smaller. We love our little "Caunnie" and really hope she is a she. She's the spunkiest chick for sure - and the funniest to watch. I definitely think she's ruling the roost.

If it's feathering in like the female silvers, then it is most likely a pullet, but a pic would be super helpful. ;)

Thank you! I'll try to post a pic this evening. She is feathering in - her wings are mostly feathered, she's has a small tail and has a few feathers on her back.
dawng makes an amazing cream bar. I don't know what's in it but it works like magic! I apply it to my cuticles and hands before I go outside to work in my garden or the coop. It has made all the difference this year. No bleeding cracks, no hang nails, just soft and healthy skin. Love it! I keep giving it away to my friends it's so good!

You are so sweet =) They are all natural; just oils (sweet almond, avacado, & vitamin e); butters (shea & cocoa); beeswax, fragrance, and natural preservative. There is water so your skin drinks it up. I'm working on getting my Esty store up and running, but since we have a nice "selling" area here I'll post a bar in case anyone is interested in trying it. =)

Here is the listing

Beautiful baby! I hope Cheryl feels back to normal real soon. How is Chloe doing with a new little sister?
I don't think baby feet size is related to adult foot size. Olivia had itty bitty feet, and she now wears a size 10!

Chloe is adjusting. she is excited to be a big sister and help her momma out. Im trying to make sure she doesnt feel left out. So she gets to help feed at least once a day, she gets to hold her little sister, and my family has been a big help in keeping her busy.

Emily is doing great! Starting to fill out, not looking like a little old man so much anymore! lol But she still has no hips or butt so to speak. she's in Premie diapers because the newborns are way to big right now. She's a little piggy, eats just about every hour, but is a growing little one. So thats to be expected.

Me personally. For the most part I feel ok. This mornign was particularly painfull, had an ovarian cist rupture. its not the rupture that hurts, its the swelling before that drops my to the floor. Dont have any pain meds for it iether, so I have to just tuff it out. That kind of pain is 10x worse than labor pains. Im sore but doing ok. Happy to be at home, and starting to get into a routine.
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