Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

I’ve decided to water glass some eggs again this fall, and actually use them this winter. Last time I left them for about 18 months (I put them in a cool, dark place and forgot about them), and I just didn’t feel safe using them.
18 months is definitely within the quoted times for water-glassed eggs. I save spring-summer eggs for use over the winter, so I haven't personally gone over 8 months.

Thanks for sharing that! It’s good to know they’ll last that long. I think some of my eggs cracked in the jar - the water was cloudy and smelled.
It can happen. Do the best you can to not jostle the container and be careful when you place eggs in the container to minimize cracks/breakage. I'm in my 5th year and have about a 90% success rate, so don't expect 100%. The bulk of failed eggs have a small crack that allows lime water into the egg, ruining them.

Leaks are less common and would cause the smell. If you open the container occasionally, you can catch it quicker and transfer any good eggs to a new container with fresh lime water.

As for trusting them when you do first try them, just take it one step at a time. Crack an egg into a cup/bowl. It will be a slightly softer/runnier than a fresh egg and the yolk may break. These eggs are far better for scrambled eggs or baking than hard boiled or sunny side up. If it looks/smells okay, then scramble one and taste it. Once you are convinced it is okay, then you are good to go on.
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I think we will be ok this winter…some of my new pullets should start laying in November and we are still getting 2-4 eggs per day from our original 8…just need them to lay us a dozen or so a week until the littles begin. Next year, unless we end up adding more, I’ll be water glassing some eggs for the winter!
I've used up my waterglassed eggs. I didn't make enough, dang. My laying hens are 2 and 3 years old now, so they didn't match last summer's output.

I have one 2 yo who is laying only 1 egg every 2-3 days now. One pullet looks to be about a month (?) away from starting. The other 4 pullets might not start until after the Solstice.

Yes, I'm buying eggs at the store. :(
Thanks for sharing that! It’s good to know they’ll last that long. I think some of my eggs cracked in the jar - the water was cloudy and smelled.
Yeah, those eggs should go into new water/lime solution. When you crack them, if they don't smell and look ok, I'd say use them
I've used up my waterglassed eggs. I didn't make enough, dang. My laying hens are 2 and 3 years old now, so they didn't match last summer's output.

I have one 2 yo who is laying only 1 egg every 2-3 days now. One pullet looks to be about a month (?) away from starting. The other 4 pullets might not start until after the Solstice.

Yes, I'm buying eggs at the store. :(
That's kinda the dilemma I'm in. My girls are three and almost four years old. Do I get chicks now and brood them in the coop(hubby says no more chicks in the house) or do I wait until spring and hope everyone lays good? If they don't lay good, I would get POL pullets, chicks are cute but I want eggs. If I get chicks now, they would grow all winter and should lay in the spring. And if I got chicks, I would need to get rid of my current girls, I can only have six max in town and my coop isin't big enough for more than that anyways
Yeah, I'm waiting for the "new girls" to start. It's just the one who is getting a bit redder in the wattles and comb. I got them mid-May, so I'm really hoping I don't have to wait until after New Years for fresh eggs. The one hen who is laying could stop any day.

When the 5 hens were really cranking them out this past summer, I should have put more away...
I think it is better to do smaller batches for me. 1/2 gallon pickle jars, or gallon pickle jars. I do a lot of baking, and have a lot of family that comes for the week-end, I need a lot more eggs than what my pullets are producing, and the layers have quit.

My point is - older jars can be used for baking, scrambled... The few fresh eggs you get can be used for breakfast.

I am putting more eggs up this spring this way - I did not do anywhere near enough for my needs, but starting small is not a bad idea. I have been keeping track of how many eggs I am buying - and plan to put that many away.

Mrs K
I have been keeping track of how many eggs I am buying - and plan to put that many away.
🤦‍♀️ This is just too logical. Why didn't I think of that and pace myself on using the fresh eggs so I could put more away?

I do that with cans of tomatoes, so I know how many quarts I need to can by season's end.

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