Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

Over the past couple of weeks I have preserved a dozen eggs this way. What I really like about it is I can open the jar and add (or remove) eggs at any time and just keep on with the preserving. Whenever I have a surprlus of eggs, I simply start putting them in the preservation jar instead of the fridge or counter.

We have a very cool, dark, storage area where I can keep them. What I really need, though, is some good jars that are large enough for a dozen eggs or so. I think a 5 gallon bucket would be overkill, I'd never have that many surplus eggs.
Thank you for sharing your success and how you use it! I noted that my jar is 1 gallon and it holds 40 eggs! I've seen half gallon jars and I almost went with that size, but that would probably still hold more than a dozen! Maybe a quart jar!
Good for you! It took me awhile to give it a go. I bought my lime in the Spring! Like I said in another post, I added the eggs all at once...next time I will add the surplus eggs as my girls lay them! Good luck! Please feel free to come back here and share...pictures would be awesome too! The more information on an experiment the better! :)

One suggestion if you are adding the eggs over time. You don't have to make all of the lime water at once. You can make a portion and then carefully place eggs into it. As your eggs get to the top, you can make and add more lime water. This keeps you from dropping in the eggs and risking cracking them. It also allows you to use a simple nylon or rubber glove to protect your hand from the lime.
Would it be detrimental to pencil dates on the eggs? I pencil on the week number my eggs were laid to keep track of how old they are, should a carton get shuffled back of the fridge.
I don't think that I would try that! It would probably remove the bloom and that would allow the eggs to spoil! Good question though! :)
I wonder if an ice cream bucket could work for you. Does anyone know if it has to sit in a certain material, such as glass or tough plastic (5 gal nucket)?
I would also like to try this but have the same issue with containers?
They are using a plastic container in the video! I think the only thing that I would not use is a metal container! :)
I've never heard of this method, but the video does make it seem like it may work! Doesn't hurt to try I guess! I'll be watching this thread so be sure to tell us how it ends up! Hope it works!
Thank you! I will be checking an egg or two once a month! And I'll also be here to try and answer any questions! Thank you for following! :)
Nice! I'll be happy to follow along with you on this. I did about 4.5 dozen a few weeks back for the first time and hope to not have to buy eggs this winter either.

Just about every person I know that knows I have chickens shared a post about this on Facebook to my timeline. haha Probably due to this viral post that it wasn't easy to find the pickling lime, but I did eventually find some and am happy to see how it goes.
Welcome! Have you tried any of yours yet?
One suggestion if you are adding the eggs over time. You don't have to make all of the lime water at once. You can make a portion and then carefully place eggs into it. As your eggs get to the top, you can make and add more lime water. This keeps you from dropping in the eggs and risking cracking them. It also allows you to use a simple nylon or rubber glove to protect your hand from the lime.
Thank you, that's a great suggestion! I have a pair of tongs that I will be using to remove the eggs!
Not yet. They've been steeping for about a month. If it's any consolation, I stirred and stirred my lime water and the lime still settled. If you find a better way to blend it, I'd be keen on hearing about it.
Yeah, mine hasn't blended either, I just give it a gentle spin once in a while! I will post a picture of what it looks like when I test my first egg! Maybe an immersion blender...before adding any eggs...lol!

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