We dont know what to do... Please pray for friend

I thought you meant when you were an older child, I was picturing the officer saying that to a teenaged Squishy.
I would've given him a piece of my mind for you.
I dont know where you live... but that dont sound right at all... your name was on the lease. Makes NO legal sense at all...
I would have fought that tooth and nail...
Abuse isnt just physical... mental and neglect are abuse also. and those dont leave a bruise..
and the state will step in if they read what you wrote here,...just saying...
(at least in my state.. every state is different though)
I would LOVE to meet with the officer that said, "You're not bleeding" to a child...if just for a few minutes.
You can't always see the damage done to a child. It is extremely important that Nique be removed from that situation one way or another. Remember, the police think she is in a safe place right now. Her mother is not protecting her child at this point. An intervention from child services may be the wake up call the mother needs.

Yep.. and the sad part is.. she has NOONE to step in and speak for her...
Makes me very sick at heart...
Awww.. thank you Tazzie! You're not too far away for me to show up one day and give you a hug.. LOL
... Me too...

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