We Quit Cigarettes

Stop thinking, stop Googling and go to the doctor.
And no Web MD is not going to the doctors
:lau I haven’t done either of those things!! Just thought I’d ask people that actually have it haha and before you say they’re not doctor’s, I’m doing that too. I’m due for a physical soon anyway so I’ll probably go this week.

On the weekdays, I eat egg sandwiches on homemade sourdough English muffins. I'm a weird purist with them, though. I only like butter and the egg, like a five year old.

That sounds really good!! I bet homemade is way better. And I am sure it’s good plain but I just really like cheese especially when it melts haha and this sauce is ridiculously good. :lau

K dog this is not real life....sitting on the internet all day long doing nothing stuffing your face with sugar is not real life.

:lau I know. But also.... do you really think that’s what I do all day!? :lau :eek: :th

Hey...work on your not responding to everyone today.

I’ll try but no guarantees. :lau :oops:

I’ve already been replying to less than usual though & just chose not to reply to a bunch more. And I didn’t use my phone at Five Guys or Walmart at all (okay I sent one tweet in Walmart but that’s it & put it away right after) and went straight on the walk haha

I even went the speed limit. :D mostly. I went a teeny tiny bit over it a couple times by accident but slowed right back down and also went below it some. A lot of people passed me. :lau

Oh, you didn't notice the hidden cameras I installed months ago?

No it's not new, I'm just getting less complacent about it. I'm tired of being tired.

What!? Where!? :pop

And :hugs I totally get that!! Well, not completely since I don’t have any health problems or whatever on top of it, that must really suck :hugs but anyway, when I get bad, like depressed, I tend to get super tired. I haven’t been lately but this fall I was. I had a couple weeks in October where all I wanted to do was sleep or lay down. And some days I did. Thankfully I’m much better now but it really sucks and is super frustrating. So I get it. Must be even worse having it not go away. :hugs

My heart hurts and I can't stop yawning.

I got a couple plants on clearance yesterday so I'm about to go weed my jungle of a failed gardenbed. I'm mentally preparing myself.. it's bad lol.
Trying to keep my mind and body busy. I feel like I start sinking when I stop moving.

:hugs :hugs

Are those paperback books?

Good Idea @jolenesdad ! B r e a t h e.

:lau that was hilarious!!!
:lau I haven’t done either of those things!! Just thought I’d ask people that actually have it haha and before you say they’re not doctor’s, I’m doing that too. I’m due for a physical soon anyway so I’ll probably go this week.

That sounds really good!! I bet homemade is way better. And I am sure it’s good plain but I just really like cheese especially when it melts haha and this sauce is ridiculously good. :lau

:lau I know. But also.... do you really think that’s what I do all day!? :lau :eek: :th

I’ll try but no guarantees. :lau :oops:

I’ve already been replying to less than usual though & just chose not to reply to a bunch more. And I didn’t use my phone at Five Guys or Walmart at all (okay I sent one tweet in Walmart but that’s it & put it away right after) and went straight on the walk haha

I even went the speed limit. :D mostly. I went a teeny tiny bit over it a couple times by accident but slowed right back down and also went below it some. A lot of people passed me. :lau

What!? Where!? :pop

And :hugs I totally get that!! Well, not completely since I don’t have any health problems or whatever on top of it, that must really suck :hugs but anyway, when I get bad, like depressed, I tend to get super tired. I haven’t been lately but this fall I was. I had a couple weeks in October where all I wanted to do was sleep or lay down. And some days I did. Thankfully I’m much better now but it really sucks and is super frustrating. So I get it. Must be even worse having it not go away. :hugs

:hugs :hugs

:lau that was hilarious!!!
You haven't done any of those two things today.

Call tomorrow and make an appointment.

And yes...I know what you do all day. 📵

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