Weak chickens


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2017
Hello guys...

I have 2 chickens. Both are 3 months old. A month back they had viral infection. They are still on medicines. But due to viral they have got weak. 1 is completely unable to stand. It just sits. And bcoz it's sitting since almost a month now, it has curled up its claws. And the other one is too weak. When it tried to stand it loses its balance and is sleeping most of the time and always laying on its side. It also seems quite thirsty.

Both are really weak as they don't eat on their own. I don't even know their gender. I can feel their breast bone. The vet checked their weight and they both are underweight not even 250 gms.

Plz tell me how can i help them increase their weight and make them healthy.
Plz advise some good food.
I sometimes give them omlet is it ok ?

You could tube feed them.
If you are willing I will find the "instructions" for you?
You could tube feed them.
If you are willing I will find the "instructions" for you?

I try to hand feed them. I'm new at petting chickens. It would be really helpful if you let me know what should I feed them for gaining weight and becoming healthy.
They are indian broilers. White in colour.

Thanks for the rep
Do you have a feed store near buy where you could purchase a complete feed?
I'm not familiar with the Indian broiler breed, are you saying they are meat birds?
Meat birds are breed to grow fast quick and do not live very long lives at all.
6 to 12 weeks at most.
Actually eggs (chicken eggs) are very good for them. you can hard boil and then mash up the yolks. They may even eat them on their own. You may want to post in full detail at "Emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread.

I think their problems may stem from a disease like "Marek's", I don't know if any medications can help that.
Thanx for the reply. And sorry for replying late.

Indian broiler as in the white ones with red crown.
In stores they're mainly for eggs and meat.

Right now the vet has suggested croxim.

But it isn't helping.

Since 2 days one of the chick is suffering from impacted crop and bcoz of that she's gasping whenever i try to feed her even while taking water.

Plz advice me something.


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