Weird Rooster behaviour

That's not cheating. That's just plain SMART! Baby steps are great ... even through the fence! Keep it up and you'll have him eating out of your hand ... instead of eating your face and fingers!

Thanks for the confidence boost! Yes, outside for sure. I watched him on the coop camera this morning, he was behind the door waiting to pounce (which he did) and I'd decided not to carry the cornbroom!! :lau
Work in progress. I'll sit on my mounting steps and take my time feeding him. I had a double knee replacement a couple of years ago and crouching for a length of time is also a work in progress. Lol.
I'm excited for both our futures. Hopefully none of us are going to die at hands/claws of the other!
Walnuts are a great idea! Can they have any nuts? As in, do you know if any types are toxic to them? I have a stash of pecans and hazelnuts that I intended to use for Christmas cookies, but I never got around to all the baking. You know, in all that "spare time" we're supposed to have! I'll use some, but the rest won't make it til next Christmas without going stale. If they're safe, they'd make great chicken bribes ... I mean "treats!"
Walnuts grow here and those that break open the chickens will eat. I've never seen them try to eat horse chestnuts, almonds, or hazelnuts. However, in Senegal in Africa the semi feral chickens main source of protein is peanuts.
Some say you shouldn't feed chickens nuts. I've been feeding the chickens here walnuts for years and so have many of the other people that live in this area. They don't get many and I break them into small pieces before I give them to the chickens.
I've tried meal worms in the past as a treat but there aren't many as unpleasant sensations as casually sticking your hand in your pocket in a moment of forgetfulness and finding the pocket wriggles around your fingers.:p:lol:
I've tried meal worms in the past as a treat but there aren't many as unpleasant sensations as casually sticking your hand in your pocket in a moment of forgetfulness and finding the pocket wriggles around your fingers.:p:lol:
Thanks! I'll look into the nuts a little further before I share ... but they do NOT get my almonds and pecans. I don't always share them with my own children ... let alone the chickens! And I'll definitely remember the mealworm warning. I'm notorious for not checking pockets before doing laundry ... and cleaning that particular mess out of wet pockets ... or the dryer ... just does NOT sound appealing at ALL!
Wow, flying at the face thing is pretty scary!!

Well tonight I tried the "feeding bread" thing. I first of all didn't take any protection like plastic rake or cardboard shield. While I was standing he did go at my boots once. I backed off after getting the dinner food into their bowl. Then I sat down about 4 feet away on my upturned cinderblock, otherwise known as the "human throne".

I tossed out pieces of bread to him. He was more interested in his little dance of letting my 4 girls know there was food. I kept that up, about level to him height wise on this block, and just kept throwing out little pieces of the bread. The girls started coming round from their other bowl, and finally he started eating a bit of it once the girls were all about 2 ft away from me eating the tidbits. I have a long way to go, but sure gonna try this and see if he gets any better. I also went out to check on the auto door this evening with the time change and decided since they were up roosting I would change the water bucket out. He stayed where he was even with the light on and let me do this. Usually he has a fit when I do that, so this was a good lesson for me as well!

Thanks everyone. I'm gonna keep doing this as it gets warmer and keep you posted. Sure do appreciate all the help!
Thanks for the confidence boost! Yes, outside for sure. I watched him on the coop camera this morning, he was behind the door waiting to pounce (which he did) and I'd decided not to carry the cornbroom!! :lau
Work in progress. I'll sit on my mounting steps and take my time feeding him. I had a double knee replacement a couple of years ago and crouching for a length of time is also a work in progress. Lol.
I'm excited for both our futures. Hopefully none of us are going to die at hands/claws of the other!

MROO, it worked again. He was tidbitting most of the time till he realised how much HE liked it. Lol
We ended on a good note. Will I go in tonight and close the coop without a broom? Nope!
I'll do this daily and see how we get along.
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I hope you guys aren’t going to feed them bread every day though.
It’s not particularly nutritious even though they like it.
Today I gave my flock some cottage cheese.
They love it lol.
Fruit is pretty popular as well as sardines or tuna, mealworms, raisins, greens, tomatoes, fermented scratch, etc.
It’s funny because every rooster I’ve had has a particular treat that they love and they won’t share quite as much of it with the girls as something else.
Hector loved pears.
Angus loves blueberries :D
I’m still trying to figure out what Oliver likes.
I hope you guys aren’t going to feed them bread every day though.
It’s not particularly nutritious even though they like it.
Today I gave my flock some cottage cheese.
They love it lol.
Fruit is pretty popular as well as sardines or tuna, mealworms, raisins, greens, tomatoes, fermented scratch, etc.
It’s funny because every rooster I’ve had has a particular treat that they love and they won’t share quite as much of it with the girls as something else.
Hector loved pears.
Angus loves blueberries :D
I’m still trying to figure out what Oliver likes.
Mine go absolutely NUTS for grapes and blueberries. In the summer, I freeze them first. The blueberries I give them still frozen, but the grapes, I toss into their waterer. It's really fun to watch them go after the bobbing goodies! I haven't tried raisins, but I have a box of them in the cabinet that are getting rock-hard (didn't get to all the Christmas baking this year ... sigh.) I think I'll soak 'em in some warm water & hand them out during the next freeze ... like tomorrow? I want SPRING!
Mine go absolutely NUTS for grapes and blueberries. In the summer, I freeze them first. The blueberries I give them still frozen, but the grapes, I toss into their waterer. It's really fun to watch them go after the bobbing goodies! I haven't tried raisins, but I have a box of them in the cabinet that are getting rock-hard (didn't get to all the Christmas baking this year ... sigh.) I think I'll soak 'em in some warm water & hand them out during the next freeze ... like tomorrow? I want SPRING!
I’ve never been more excited for Daylight Saving Time since I started working full time again in December and I only see my birdies on weekends.
Now I’ll be able to spend time with them after work too.
I hope you guys aren’t going to feed them bread every day though.
It’s not particularly nutritious even though they like it.
Today I gave my flock some cottage cheese.
They love it lol.
Fruit is pretty popular as well as sardines or tuna, mealworms, raisins, greens, tomatoes, fermented scratch, etc.
It’s funny because every rooster I’ve had has a particular treat that they love and they won’t share quite as much of it with the girls as something else.
Hector loved pears.
Angus loves blueberries :D
I’m still trying to figure out what Oliver likes.

:lau No, we're not feeding bread every day. This is to endear our roosters to us. The bread isn't a treat per se, more of a training tool of which the hens benefit!
Both of us are getting attacked by our roosters and MROO has kindly shared this tip, which appears to be working, albeit slower for me.
Somehow I just can't see myself trying to feed Sir Rodger cottage cheese from my fingers. I'll feed anything I can that is long enough to go through the gate.... Without me! They all get healthy snax, both veggies and fruit and dried mealworms because I can't handle live worms of any kind.
This is an experiment, of which I'll update as things progress. If I'm successful, then he won't go to freezer camp and his harem will be very happy.
Thank you for your concern and sharing your post.
MROO, it worked again. He was tidbitting most of the time till he realised how much HE liked it. Lol
We ended on a good note. Will I go in tonight and close the coop without a broom? Nope!
I'll do this daily and see how we get along.

I got zapped again this evening full force when I entered the coop for dinner. But then I went in again before roosting and I was "allowed" to sit on the block and talk to them. Just crazy! Wish I could enter without him being in the coop, put out the food, then settle down on my roost before he comes it. It's when I enter that he goes after me!!!

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