Weird Sounding Hen?


Jul 7, 2020
I have a 5 month old barred rock hen who, for lack of a better way to put it, sounds like she smokes a pack a day. She’s always sounded a little gravely. No lethargy, good comb and wattle color, eating and drinking well. No discharge around her eyes or nose. Is this normal?
Chickens make some funky sounds. One of mine purrs while another sounds just like the velocoraptors on Jurrasic Park. I say she's fine as long as she's eating and drinking well. Do you put cider vinegar in the water? That could help.
Chickens make some funky sounds. One of mine purrs while another sounds just like the velocoraptors on Jurrasic Park. I say she's fine as long as she's eating and drinking well. Do you put cider vinegar in the water? That could help.
I give them hydro hen every once in a while, but I’ll try the cider vinegar. I figured she was fine, she just doesn’t sound like my other barred rocks.
Can you do a recording of her voice? Is she making any suspect head movements, sort of like she has a fish bone stuck in her throat and she's trying to work it loose? Does she cough?

I had a SLWyandotte some years back that had the most grating vocal, I could barely stand to listen to her. It was like fingernails on a slate blackboard combined with the sound of two cars scraping fenders at 30mph.
Can you do a recording of her voice? Is she making any suspect head movements, sort of like she has a fish bone stuck in her throat and she's trying to work it loose? Does she cough?

I had a SLWyandotte some years back that had the most grating vocal, I could barely stand to listen to her. It was like fingernails on a slate blackboard combined with the sound of two cars scraping fenders at 30mph.
I will try to get one after work. She’s super vocal so it shouldn’t be a problem 😂. No coughing, no weird head movements. I really wouldn’t think anything of it if my other two didn’t sound completely different.
Thank you for asking this, I have worried since my hen just started this. I told her she better be a hen because she sounds like a teenage boy going through puberty! lol

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