Weird things only poultry people get.

My mom (rest her soul) and Dad once moved in next door to me. This was 100 years ago, the first time I had chickens. When fall approached she became very concerned about the chickens' welfare and began to urge me that I should begin making little jackets to keep the chickens warm and dry in bad weather. This was in New Mexico, and yes it does get cold and snowy and icy there. Occasionally, and briefly. But .... mercy goodness, the chickens DID have feathers and down to keep them warm and dry! I was particularly amazed because Mom grew up on a farm .... that had chickens! And I'm reasocably certain she and her sisters never made jackets for their chickens, lol!
I went to the fair once, a lady had a Serama rooster. It was very small like a little man. Stood like a man too. I asked if I could pet him. "Okay Reginald,"she said to the rooster, "this lady is going to pet you, don't be afraid..."
Now I know why people think I am weird when I talk to chickens...
Is that a Buff Orpington? Or a Buff Cochin? Or something else? Is the other an SLW? I am practicing my breed identification.
Sorry! I didn't get notifications for this thread for a while.

You're right. A Buff Orp and a Silver Laced Wyandotte.
The BO loves cuddles. The SLW is a bit more skittish but is happy to cuddle provided I don't stroke his back. Fussy bird.
Sorry! I didn't get notifications for this thread for a while.

You're right. A Buff Orp and a Silver Laced Wyandotte.
The BO loves cuddles. The SLW is a bit more skittish but is happy to cuddle provided I don't stroke his back. Fussy bird.
Cool! I have the Buff Orp on my “Chickens: Most Wanted” list, but I need to add the Wyandotte. It’s a really long list...
Buff orps are my favourite, but mainly because of the roos.
The cockerels are the best. Really sweet and docile, and hug-loving. Although there are always exceptions to the rule.
This is my first time with a Wyandotte. He's a handsome boy, and fairly friendly. He will come and sit on my lap, but if I put my hand on him too quickly he screams like a girl.

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