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Have You Told A Funny Story Yet? IF NOT, YOU CAN'T LEAVE THIS THREAD. No trying to sneak off.

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I've got a funny story!

A while back, I found one of my hens chasing a snake that was quite large! I wasn't sure if this was safe for her, so I took away the snake. Five seconds later, she had grabbed the snake again, and she swallowed it whole.
Then, a few days later, I found her eating yet another snake, which she also gobbled down quickly.
Both times all of my other hens ALSO wanted to eat said snake.
Basically, my chickens love to eat snakes. LOL
I've got a funny story!

A while back, I found one of my hens chasing a snake that was quite large! I wasn't sure if this was safe for her, so I took away the snake. Five seconds later, she had grabbed the snake again, and she swallowed it whole.
Then, a few days later, I found her eating yet another snake, which she also gobbled down quickly.
Both times all of my other hens ALSO wanted to eat said snake.
Basically, my chickens love to eat snakes. LOL
I hope you didn't eat those eggs after that..... I HATE and is TERRIFIED of snakes
my sister tried that one time (against my will). It didn't go so well for the adult bird... he ended up being scared of the little pom pom.
yikes :lau
What do you mean by serious? I've seen plenty of confusion amongst all kinds of animals when it comes to getting twitterpated (as in males mounting males or as pointed out earlier, inanimate objects) so I wouldn't trust such a method. Heck, I used to have a dog who would furiously, and I mean furiously, hump my other dog's head whenever she'd lay down. They were both female.
i meant like serious about mating :D
lololol okay :lau
Um. Well.... @human1 you are now the official muffin supervisor of the Story Squad!
You like that picture don't you?
It seems to lurk around many threads.

It actually reminds me of the look on a chickens face when it sees a grape being thrown.
Current jobs are as follows:

NAME ----------- JOB ---------DUTIES

@SulkyBantam - Founding Member - Encourages* and welcomes**

@ButtonHoarder - Second-in-command - Welcomes

@black_cat - Member - Laughs*** and is angry****

@featherhead007 - Member - ^^^

@EmmaRainboe - ^^^ - ^^^

@human1 - Assistant Member - Supervises muffins*****and laughs


*aka forces people to tell stories
**proclaims new members
*** laughs at funny stories
**** gets cross at people who don' tell funny stories
***** just as it sounds :idunno
hehe okay

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